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Coast Starlight from Los Angeles to Seattle, WA and back.
A Long Distance Overnight Train Trip
Staying Several Nights In A Nice Hotel
In A Leading City's Downtown
Report & Photos by Robin Bowers
Chapter 1
Wed Nov 13, 2019, Our First Steps.
Report & Photos by Robin Bowers.
Our day started not long after sunrise (the crack of dawn) and that found us packing the last of the luggage and making sure we were on schedule to be at the Santa Ana train station. At Santa Ana, we would board MetroLink # 685 bound for...
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Chapter 3
Day Nov 15, 2019, Sunrise in Seattle..
Report & Photos by Robin Bowers.
"Portland in twenty minutes" was the shout that aroused me from a deep sleep. My goodness, it is still dark out but we knew the reason for this early call. We were to gather our belongings, leave the train, walk to and into...
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Chapter 4
Day Nov 16, 2019, Celebrating the BIG day in Seattle.
Report & Photos by Robin Bowers.
We both spent a restful night, our first in a not moving bed or seat since Tuesday night, waking wide eyed and bushy tailed. The morning was spent easy and slow, getting ready for our lunch with my good friends and...
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Chapter 7
Day Nov 19, 2019, Coming to a end of a journey.
Report & Photos by Robin Bowers.
After a restful night in room C on the southbound Coast Starlight, we awoke to start our day in Sacramento, CA our third capital city stop on Coast Starlight. One of the surprises traveling at night is where you will...
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