Staging Page For TrainWeb Virtual Reality Project.
The photographs and video clips on this page are copyright © 1999 by TrainWeb and its associates. Duplication in any form is not authorized. You may link to this web page from another web page, but do not link directly to any photographs or video clips on this page. Your cooperation is appreciated.
Amtrak Coast Starlight Pacific Parlour Car
Click here for the Pacific Parlour Car Panoramic View.
The above is a quick sample of a panoramic view and should not be considered a professional production. Due to limited outside lighting and time constraints on the day of the shooting, a full session with the professional camera could not be completed. However, we were able to take pictures with our regular digital camera and put them together just to give a taste of what is possible. A professional session would provide a seemless 360 degree view with zoom in and out capabilities for closer examination of any area of the car.
(The above file is 13 Megabytes and will take quite some time to download with a regular 28.8 to 56k baud modem. The final product will be scaled to provide quicker download time.)
Below is an example of a panoramic scene that was taken with the professional camera. Although it has nothing to do with the Amtrak Coast Starlight, it does give you an idea of what can be produced given adequate time and lighting. The below file is around 500k and should not take too long to download.
Amtrak San Diegans Location Simulation