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TrainWeb Hosted Websites Featuring
Steam Locomotives and Steam Trains
including Photos
Sorted by URL and not by title.
- ★ = Active website noted for volume & quality of information & photos.
- ☆ = Inactive website noted for archival information & photos.
- ☡ = Functioning website but exhibiting some technical problems.
- Δ = New website under construction. Might be empty of content.
- ☓ = Account, website & files to be deleted.
- Ω = Account, website & files have been deleted.
- CLICK HERE to return to the Directory.
- ★★★ Santa Fe 3751 Steam Locomotive
- ★★★ Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Class R-1 4-8-4's the "Eighteen-hundreds"
- ☆☆☆ Railroad Photography by Jim Springer
TrainWeb.US/amrailphotos/Steam-gallery.html - Railroad Photography by Jim Springer
Extensive photo galleries of Amtrak, BNSF, CN, CP, Chicago Shortlines, Conrail, CSX, Illinois Central, NS, Regionals, Shortlines, SP, UP, Wisconsin Central and Steam...
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- Baldwin Locomotive Works Web Site
Baldwin Locomotive Works Web Site.
- ★ Bluemont Branch
 | - Bluemont Branch.
Southern Railway & Predecessor Railroads. From 1847 until 1968 there was a railroad that ran across several counties in Northern Virginia from Washington and Alexandria out to the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Hopes were high that this railroad would...
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- ★★★ Bob's RR Pix
- ☆☆☆ Railroad Crossings by Brett Wirick - 3751 Section
www.trainweb.US/brettrw - Railroad Crossings by Brett Wirick
has been developed to help the railfan enjoy the western railroading scene. To make this easier, pages are developed following the host railroads own breakdown of its track, IE by subdivision. This segmenting applies mainly to the UP and BNSF, the dominate railroads in the west. In all cases, pictures and information are disseminated following a geographical format. This should help you to locate and duplicate what you find here on-line during your next trip...
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- ★ Rip Van Winkle Railroads - Catskill Mountain
 | - Rip Van Winkle Railroads
The Rip Van Winkle Railroads, a nickname given to them, were a consortium of four little railroads that operated in the Catskill Mountains of New York for nearly forty years. The four railroads, the Catskill Mountain Railway, the Otis Elevating Railway , the Cairo Railroad, and the Catskill & Tannersville Railway were all interconnected narrow gauge (3 ft.) devoted to the transportation of vacationers to the Mountaintop...
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- ★★ Delaware & Northern Railroad
- ★ Golden Spike Chapter, Railway & Locomotive Historical Society
- ☆ In Steam - Photographs of Working Steam Locomotives
- ★ CNR Locomotive 6167
- ☆ Kjellgesen's Rail Pictures
- ★ McCloud Rails
 | - McCloud Rails
This website seeks to document the life and times of the rail lines owned and operated by three principle companies in the life of McCloud, the McCloud River Lumber Company, the McCloud River Railroad Company, and the McCloud Railway Company...
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- ★★★ MickFix Rail
- ★ New Zealand Railways Steam Locomotives
- ☆ Steam Trains in Paraguay
- ☆ Pax Bellum
- ☆ Philadelphia Bethlehem and New England
- ★ Rahway Valley Railroad (RVRR)
- ☆ Mike Raia's Photographs
www.trainweb.US/raiaphotos - Mike Raia's Photographs
This website was created to display some of the pictures I have taken over the years including the Ohio Central Photographer's special in 2002, Canadian Pacific in the Canadian Rockies in 2002, Duluth, Eire Mining in the late 90's and 2004, Algoma Central, Soo Line 2-8-2 #1003 photo charter in 2004, Santa Fe 3751 photo charter in 2002, EBT Photo Trip in 2005, 2816 Photo Charter in 2006, and Canadian Pacific Division Street Job...
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- ☆☆☆ Ohio Rails
www.trainweb.US/railmaster - Ohio Rails
Photos around Ohio of Conrail, CSX, Hocking Valley Scenic Railway, Indiana & Ohio Railway, Maintenance Of Way, Norfolk Southern, Ohio Central, Steam Locomotives and other historical rail photos. Also audio recordings, radio frequencies, locomotive rosters and more...
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- ☆☆☆ Randy's Railroads
www.trainweb.US/randysrr - Randy's Railroads
Thousands of photographs from my collection. I took approximately 15,000 slides of northeast railroads in the early 80's. There is also a large selection of Western Maryland photos from my collection including early diesel and late steam...
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- ☆ Riverview & Twin Lakes Railroad
- ★ Golden Spike Chapter, Railway & Locomotive Historical Society
- ★ SAR & CR Railways
 | - SAR & CR Railways.
A website dedicated to modeling the South Australian Railways (SAR) and the Commonwealth Railways of Australia (CR). These two railway systems serviced some of the remotest areas of Australia and employed a diverse range of...
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- Save The Steamers
- ★ The Railroads of the Schoharie Valley
- ☆☆☆ Screaming Eagles
- ★ Semo Rails
- ☆ Shay #12 Knowledge
www.trainweb.US/shay12 - Shay #12 Knowledge.
"Three Foot Rails for shay #12 Through History. Narrowguage Class C Shay geared logging locomotive. This model represents builders serial number 3302 operated on the West Side Lumber Co. railroad operations as Number 12 out of Tudumne in the state of...
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- ★ Smoky Mountain Railroad
- ★ The Spiral Tunnels and the Big Hill
- ☆ The Tennessee, Alabama & Georgia Railway
www.trainweb.US/tagrailway - The Tennessee, Alabama & Georgia RailWay
This site is dedicated to the history of the Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia Railway, and its rolling stock, motive power, and structures that supported a railroad that ran from Chattanooga, Tennessee, through Georgia, and into Gadsden, Alabama. The TAG ceased to exist in 1971, when it was...
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- ★ Tim's Canadian MSTS Locomotives List
 | - Tim's Canadian MSTS Locomotives List
Includes photos of steam, BC Rail, Canadian National, Canadian Pacific, VIA Rail Canada, O.N. Rail, Special, Electric, MSTS Links, CN Blackfoot Sub, Northwest Line and more...
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- ★ The Ultimate Steam Page
 | - The Ultimate Steam Page
Despite their apparent demise over 40 years ago, steam locomotives continue to work productively in remote locations around the world. Numerous serious attempts have been made to bring steam locomotives back into general railway use...
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- ★★★ Ulster & Delaware Railroad
- ★ Unadilla Valley Railway
- ★★★ Western New York Railway Historical Society
Steam Locos Related Reports & Photos:
Steam Locos Related Reports & Photos
by Chris Guenzler:
Additional Reports & Photos of Steam Locomotives by Chris Guenzler:
- 4449 West The World Fair Daylight
- Arrowhead Vacationeer pulled by Soo Line 2719, NRHS
- ATSF 3751 West I Finally Rode over Tehachaphi
- ATSF 3751, Summer of Steam Part II
- A Bell Garden's Railroad
- Black Hills Central Railroad
- Burnaby Central Railway
- Cadillac Fall Colors Steam Limited Alma to Cadillac
- California Western Railroad with Steam Train
- Camp 5 Lumberjack Steam Train
- Canadian Pacific 2816 Shoreham to Thief River Falls
- Canadian Pacific 2816 Thief River Falls to Winnipeg
- Canadian Pacific Empress 2816 The Four Day Trip Minneapolis to Portal
- Cass Railfan Weekend 2007
- Cass Railroad Trip to Bald Knob
- Chehalis-Centralia Railroad Steam Trip
- Chehalis-Centralia Steam Charter
- Chelatchie Prairie Photo Freight
- Cincinnati Limited Dennison to Newark, NRHS 2006
- Coal Mine and Northeast Missouri Old Threshers Steam Engine
- Colorado Railroad Museum, NRHS 2016 Convention
- Colorado Railroad Museum
- Cripple Creek & Victor Railway
- Cripple Creek & Victor Narrow Gauge Railroad Story
- Cumbres & Toltec Railroad East to West
- Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad
- Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad and the Durango Silverton Railroad
- Delaware River Railroad
- Descanso, Alpine & Pacific, Campo then on to the Poway Midland RR
- Double Headed Through the Foothills
- Durango & Silverton Railroad
- Durango & Silverton Railroad
- East Board Top Railroad
- Essex Steam Train Trip
- Fillmore and Western Railroad
- Fillmore and Western 7/3/1993
- Fillmore Railfest 2011
- Folsom Valley Railway
- Georgetown Loop Chase Bus Trip, NRHS 2016 Convention
- Georgia Agrirama Living History Museum
- Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village
- Hesston Steam Museum
- Hillcrest Farms Hillcrest & Wahtoke Railroad
- Huckleberry Railroad
- Iowa City Steam Trip, Train Festival 2011
- Iowa Interstate QJ Trip Des Moines to Council Bluffs
- Iowa Interstate Steam for Flood Relief
- Lake Region Pioneer Treshersmen Association
- Lehigh Rambler Duryea to Port Clinton, NRHS
- Little Rock Express Kansas City to Jefferson City
- McCloud Steam Trips
- Midwest Old Threshers: Midwest Central RR & Midwest Electric RWY
- Milwaukee Road 261 and UP 3985, Summer of Steam 2002 Part I
- Milwaukee Road 261 Breckenridge to Kindred
- Milwaukee Road 261 Davenport to Lisbon
- Milwaukee Road 261 Grand Excursion 2004
- Milwaukee Road 261 Milwaukee to Chicago 6/22/2004
- Milwaukee Road 261 Steaming to Duluth
- Milwaukee Road 261 to Duluth
- Milwaukee Road 261, Round In Circles with SD inside #2
- Milwaukee Road 261,Off to Minneapolis for Fun with
- Mount Washington Cog Railway
- N&W 611 moving, My First Live Encounter
- N&W 611 The Blue Ridge Special
- Nevada Northern
- Nickel Plate Railroad Trip Fort Wayne to Lafayette and Return
- Nickel Plate Railroad 765, TrainFestival 2009 Day 2
- Nickel Plate Railroad 765, TrainFestival 2009 Day 3
- Niles Canyon Railway Winterail Photo Special
- Niles Canyon Railway Winterail Steam Special
- Norfolk & Western 611 The Virginian
- Norfolk Southern Steam Program Nickel Plate 765 Youngstown to Ashtabula
- NRHS 1992 San Jose Convention
- NRHS Boone & Scenic Valley Railroad NRHS
- NRHS Convention 2001, My Trip To
- NRHS Summerville Steam Trip
- Old Threshers Reunion, 2009
- OR Coast Scenic RR First Annual Post Winterail Steam Excursion Sunday
- Ozarks Rail and Water Tour: Silver Dollar City NRHS 2014
- Pioneer Tunnel Coal Mine & Steam Train
- PLA'S 2012 Winterail Photography Special
- Pocono Express, NRHS
- QJ Rocket to Des Moines
- Rio Grande Scenic Railroad
- Riverside and Great Northern Railway
- Riverside Live Steamers, Steamy Sunday at
- Roaring Camp and Big Trees Narrow Gauge Railroad Trip
- Royal Hudson Trip to White Rock
- San Bernardino Railroad Days 2013 and the Santa Fe 3751 Chase and Ride
- Santa Fe 3751 Chase to San Bernardino 4/21/2012
- Santa Fe 3751 San Diego Steam Special
- Santa Fe 3751 to San Bernardino
- Santa Fe 3751 Westbound San Bernardino to LAUPT
- Santa Fe 3751, Chase and Riding behind
- Sierra Railfan Trip 2005
- Sierra Railroad Railfan Excursion
- Silver Creek and Stephenson Railroad
- Southern Pacific 2472 San Luis Obispo to Tangier 5/7/1994
- Southern Pacific 2472 Tracy Dry Bean Festival Run
- Southern Pacific 4449 Excursion to Bend, Oregon
- Southern Pacific 4449 Portland to Tacoma, NRHS
- Southern Pacific 4449 Tacoma to Portland, NRHS
- Southern Pacific 4449, SP&S 700
- Southern Pacific Stampede Pass, NRHS
- Southern Railway No. 154 Photography Charter Photo Freight
- Steam at Poway-Midland Railroad
- Steam Doubleheader Trip with the 261/2816
- Steamarama on the Soo Line Part 1 Glenwood
- Steamarama on the Soo Line Part 2 Dresser
- Steamtown, A Visit to
- Strasburg Railroad
- Strasburg Railroad
- Summerville Steam Trip, NRHS
- Sumpter Valley Railway 6/18/2011
- Tanana Valley Railroad Museum, NRHS 2013
- Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum
- Texas State Railroad Trip
- The Buckeye, NRHS 2006
- Timbers to Tidelands Steam Special Tacoma Rail
- Tiny Town & Railroad, World Famous
- Train Festival Day 1
- Travel Town Railroad Collection
- Union Pacific 3985 First Public Excursion The Pyro Express
- Union Pacific 3985 Over Sherman Hill
- Union Pacific 3985 West The Pacific Limited 1992
- Union Pacific 844 and 3985 double heading down the Feather River Canyon
- Union Pacific Historical Society Convention in Cheyenne, Wyoming
- West Virginia Rail Festival 2010
- Western Maryland Scenic Railroad
- Western Star Mainline Steam Trip to Wishram
- Williams Grove Historical Steam Engine Association
- Yosemite Sugar Pine Railroad, Iron Horse Roundup, Railtown 1897
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