Western Railroad T-Shirts


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T-Shirts For The Little Ones (Sizes 2-4)

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New Designs

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#10: Up Lightning on Black Tee 
 #10: Up Lightning On A Black Tee
 #4 BNSF Merger, Chico   #4: BNSF Merger, Chico

 #12 UP-SP Buyout

 #12: UP-SP Buyout

This design signals in a new era for both the UP and SP Systems. Already there have been big changes in the way these railroads operate.

 #22 Sunset on the SP

 #22: Sunset On The SP

Printed either on a black or ash tee. These shirts are beautiful. A modern diesel and a cab forward steam engine pulling cars across a huge bridge with a sunburst in the background.

 #2 Amtrak Starlight Shirt

 #2: Amtrak Starlight Shirt

Printed on a white shirt, the Genesis engines and train are curving around a canyon with a dark blue background with the moon and stars shining bright. This reminds of the area around Dunsmuir near Mt. Shasta.


 #7: BNSF Merger

A BNSF SD70 MAC with the new double yellow striped color scheme.

 #27 Sante Fe F-Units Along The Coast

 #27: Santa Fe F-Units Along The Coast

This view reminds me of San Clemente, CA. (See LA-San Diego Guide), with two different views of the engines, with lots of color to make this a real tribute to the pre-Amtrak San Diego-LA Line.

#3 The Blue & Silver F59PHIs Along The Coast Route

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