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Status of Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Circus Train
Status as of 8/9/99, 6:47 PM PDT:
The 53-car Circus Train has just passed through Fullerton on its long trek to San Diego.
Since it is such a low-priority train, it is not expected to arrive in San Diego until late
tonight. We'll keep you updated about the location of the train through the night.
Photos and video clips of the Circus Train through Fullerton:
- Photo set #1: Most of these photos
were taken around a mile north of the Fullerton station, on the northern end of the shoo-fly. The train was stopped there for over three hours.
Since it's low-priority, it just sat and waited for all passenger and commuter trains (as well as hot shot frieghts) to pass. Because it blocked
the number two track (middle track) for this entire time, the BNSF freight traffic was backed up well into Santa Ana canyon, around Placencia.
The conductor and brakeman of the train (M.J. Rodriguez and D.E. Tacoronte, respectively) were kind enough to provide us with the train profile
of the Circus Train, which you can view here.
- Video Clip #1: The Circus Train going through the Fullerton station.
- Video Clip #2: The back end of the Cirus Train as it passes through Fullerton.
Status as of 8/9/99, 8:00 PM PDT:
By all accounts, the Circus Train is currently proceeding down Metrolink's Orange County Subdivision. At this point, it has not yet entered single-track territory. However,
when it does, a substantial amount of time will be lost, since it must wait in every single siding for every single passing train. For that reason, BNSF does not expect
the Circus Train to arrive into San Diego until 1 AM PDT. We regret that we cannot provide any further up-to-the-minute updates, since the Circus Train is no longer going over
track owned by the BNSF Railway, the railroad that allowed us to trace the train.
Web page by Matthew J. Melzer.
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