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Railroad Safety
This page contains information about rail safety.
- Friends of BNSF
- Norfolk Southern OAR - Operation Awareness & Response
- Operation Lifesaver
- a nationwide, non-profit public information program dedicated to
eliminating collisions, injuries and fatalities at highway-rail
grade crossings and on railroad rights-of-way.
- More from Operation Lifesaver:
- Arizona Operation Lifesaver®
TrainWeb.US/azol - Arizona Operation Lifesaver®
Operation Lifesaver® is a nationwide, non-profit public safety education and outreach program designed to eliminate collisions, deaths and injuries at rail crossings and rights-of-way. Arizona joined Operation Lifesaver in 1979. Operation Lifesaver is now an international program and is supported by national and state organizations, as well as the...
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- Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)
Office of Safety Analysis.
- 11 Helpful Resources for Railroad Workers
Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers
- Gordon, Elias & Seely LLP
Houston FELA Attorney
- Information about train derailments.
- ★ TrainPixs Network
 | - TrainPix Network
At the TrainPixs Network, we will analyze different ways to get "that perfect shot," the different types equipment that will improve your experience while out on location. We will also look at the safety and local & national laws dealing with being on or around railroad property including the major changes in laws and security since 9/11. An extra section is dedicated to railfanning in the Kansas City Metro area where we look at the railroads and their operations in and around Kansas City including different locations that are very popular with local railfans...
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- ☆ Richard's Railroad Page
www.trainweb.US/rszx - Richard's Railroad Page.
I am no expert on railroads or railroad safety, but can speak based on my 20 plus years of experience watching trains. Based on my being witness to or reading about the dangers of railroading and train watching, I have become big on railroad safety and educating the fellow railfan on how to be safe while watching trains...
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- Rail Travel Safety & Security
- Producing a documentary on rail safety?
- Why I Avoid Flying
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