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Rail Lodging
- Depot Inn & Suites -
1245 N. Brown St., La Plata, MO 63549, 888-814-3669, 660-332-4669,
Features 30 beautifully appointed and railroad theme guest rooms, including 4 luxurious themed suites.
It is themed after an 1800's railroad depot and is decorated with many historic railroad
artifacts making the hotel a small railroad museum in and of itself!
- Izaak Walton Inn -
The Inn maintains its railroad roots, supporting an ambiance of railroad relics and memorabilia.
Including the historic cabooses and flagship diesel locomotive converted into beautiful, surprisingly modern cabins.
Located within view of the Essex Station on the route of the Amtrak Empire Builder,
180 Izaak Walton Inn Rd, Essex, MT 59916.
- The Cherryvale Bed and Breakfast -
420 N. Depot St., Cherryvale, KS 67335, 620-336-3350,
The hotel is proudly veteran owned and operated, offering short and extended stays. A Work in Progress
Renovations on the historic 1912 Leatherock Hotel, now The Cherryvale Bed and Breakfast, began in January 1998 by Wayne Hallowell
and Jim Hogben. In 2012, Jim and Shirley Ann Hogben, began conducting the day-to-day operations of The Cherryvale Bed and
Breakfast. As renovations on our historic building unfolds, we are dedicated to preserving its unique character. Through modern
materials and techniques we are lovingly bringing it into the next century.
Sep 13-23, 2021 - Amtrak Coast Starlight and Empire Builder Journey to Glacier Haven Inn, Motel, RV Park & Cafe and Izaak Walton Inn in Essex, Montana: Photos & Text by Carl Morrison.
including stops in Seattle, Washington; Essex, Montana; and Portland, Oregon. Don and I planned this trip for about a year. We wanted to return to the Izaak Walton Inn, at Essex, Montana, on the Empire Builder Route...
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