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TrainWeb Hosted Websites Featuring
Railroad History

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  1. ★ '20s, '30s & Beyond Modular Model Railroad
    The '20s, '30s & Beyond Modular Model Railroad recreates the Golden Age of railroading modeled in 1:87 HO scale.

  2. - '20s, '30s & Beyond Modular Model Railroad Replicating the golden age of railroading in 1:87 HO scale. Members build and transport their own modules depicting North American railroading during the period from end of WWI through the steam-to-diesel era... Read More>>

  3. ★ Abandoned Railroads of the Northeast

  4. - Abandoned Railroads of the Northeast. Assortment of Historical Information and photos of abandoned railroads around the Northeast USA. My hobby has been traveling and snapping photo's of abandoned lines... Read More>>

  5. ☆ LIRR Abandoned Spurs

  6. TrainWeb.US/AbandonedLIRR - LIRR Abandoned Spurs. Past, Present and Future of the Vast Network of Abandoned LIRR Stations, Spurs, and Anything related. Featured are the Calverton Naval Weapons Reserve, the Insane Asylum Spurs, Private Freight Sidings, Roadside Remnants, NY Cross Harbor Railroad, and more... Read More>>

  7. ★★★ Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Class R-1 4-8-4's the "Eighteen-hundreds"

  8. - Atlantic Coast Line Class R-1 4-8-4's the "Eighteen-hundreds". An overview of some of my favorite steam locomotives used in the U.S. The ACL R-1's were built in 1938 by the... Read More>>

  9. ☆ American Civil War Rail Road Historical Society

  10. www.trainweb.US/acwrrhsmodeler - American Civil War Rail Road Historical Society. This is for individuals interested in the history & modeling of American Civil War Rail Roads. Though we cover the antebellum period through the end of Reconstruction, our focus is... Read More>>

  11. ★ Altoona Railway Museum Club

  12. - Altoona Railway Museum Club had its beginnings at the time the Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR) ceased to exist and when many of the PRR's historical sites in the Altoona, Pennsylvania, area were being dismantled. Although many local facilities were... Read More>>

  13. ★★★ Amtrak Historical Society

  14. - Amtrak Historical Society. The mission of the Amtrak Historical Society™ was to be a venue of education and research concentrating on the preservation of the history of Amtrak. The primary purpose of the Society was to preserve the... Read More>>

  15. ★★★ Ann Arbor RailRoad Technical and Historical Association

  16. - The Ann Arbor Technical and Historical Association Non-profit organization with the purpose of collecting, preserving, and disseminating information and artifacts relating to the history of the Ann Arbor Railrod, and its... Read More>>

  17. ☆ Atlantic & Hibernia Railroad

  18. TrainWeb.US/Atlantic-Hibernia - Atlantic & Hibernia Railroad Includes a capsule history of the Atlantic & Hibernia Railroad and prototype notes & photos of an HO Scale model of the railroad. The railroad was conceived in the mid 1830's to fill a gap in... Read More>>


  19. ☆ Baldwin Locomotive Works

  20. TrainWeb.US/baldwin - Baldwin Locomotive Works An unofficial BLW website with photos and information about three surviving Baldwin locomotives in Texas: Amarillo BLW #61524, Snyder BLW #52918 and BLW #29281.... Read More>>

  21. ☆ British Columbia Railway Historical Association

  22. www.trainweb.US/bcrha - British Columbia Railway Historical Association a Victoria, B.C. based group dedicated to the preservation of the railway history of British Columbia. Members of our group have in the past written a number of books on BC railway history... Read More>>

  23. ★★★ New York Centric Websites

  24. - New York Centric Websites Transportation histories of NYC & NY State including Palmers Dock, East Terminal & Brooklyn Eastern District Terminal, Military RR of NY/NJ, NY Harbor Carfloat Transfer Bridge, Rail Marine Operations, Double Ended Wreckers, and much more... Read More>>

  25. ★ Bluemont Branch

  26. - Bluemont Branch. Southern Railway & Predecessor Railroads. From 1847 until 1968 there was a railroad that ran across several counties in Northern Virginia from Washington and Alexandria out to the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Hopes were high that this railroad would... Read More>>

  27. Bulyea Junction

  28. - Bulyea Junction The website purpose is to document the history of the historical town of Bulyea. For it was here in 1925, Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Elevator #1 opened, providing a way for farmers to sell their wheat... Read More>>


  29. ★ The Cambria and Indiana Railroad

  30. - The Cambria and Indiana Railroad This site is dedicated to preserving the history and memory of the Cambria and Indiana Railroad, a short line known primarily for hauling coal which operated in western Cambria and eastern Indiana counties in Pennsylvania... Read More>>

  31. Camden & Amboy Railroad Historical Group

  32. - Camden & Amboy Railroad Historical Group Dedicated to the preservation of the legacy of the Pennsylvania Railroad's predecessor and successor lines in New Jersey. Read More>>

  33. ★ Rip Van Winkle Railroads - Catskill Mountain

  34. - Rip Van Winkle Railroads The Rip Van Winkle Railroads, a nickname given to them, were a consortium of four little railroads that operated in the Catskill Mountains of New York for nearly forty years. The four railroads, the Catskill Mountain Railway, the Otis Elevating Railway , the Cairo Railroad, and the Catskill & Tannersville Railway were all interconnected narrow gauge (3 ft.) devoted to the transportation of vacationers to the Mountaintop... Read More>>

  35. ★★★ Cleveland & Eastern Interurban Historical Society & Museum

  36. - Cleveland and Eastern Interurban Historical Society and Museum A non-profit group dedicated to the preservation of artifacts and materials relating to Northeast Ohio's Interurban Railways. Our goal is to educate the public about... Read More>>

  37. ☆ Pennsylvania Railroad Central Region 1940-1949

  38. www.trainweb.US/centreg - Title Dedicated to the PRR in western New York, western Pennsylvania, eastern Ohio, and the West Virginia Panhandle... Read More>>

  39. ☆ The Unofficial Chicago Great Western Railway Page

  40. www.trainweb.US/cgw - Chicago Great Western Railway Information and photos related to the Chicago Great Western Railway... Read More>>

  41. ☆☆☆ CPR Diesel Roster

  42. www.trainweb.US/cprdieselroster - CPR Diesel Roster Hundreds of Canadian Pacific Railroad locomotive photos. Wilco van Schoonhoven wanted to retire after 20 years effort to bring you this great Canadian Pacific Railroad Roster website. Old Time Trains owner R.L.Kennedy took over this website and... Read More>>

  43. ★ Chessie System Historical Society

  44. - Chessie System Historical Society Official Website - preserving the history of the Chessie System Railroads (Baltimore & Ohio, Chesepeake & Ohio and Western Maryland)... Read More>>


  45. ★★★ Dan's Railpix Photos of San Francisco Bay Area and Beyond...

  46. - Dan's Railpix Photos of San Francisco Bay Area and Beyond... Includes Dan's Wigwag Site devoted to the vanishing signal, the San Francisco State Belt Railroad Remanants, Canadian Pacific Special to the SF Bay Area, Former SP F-units back to Golden Gate Railroad Museum, and much more... Read More>>

  47. ★★ Delaware & Northern Railroad

  48. - Delaware & Northern Railroad (D&N) The D&N was a 37-mile long pike that operated between East Branch and Arkville, NY. Originally chartered as the Delaware & Eastern Railroad in 1904, it was... Read More>>

  49. ☆☆☆ Web Lurker's DOME.main

  50. TrainWeb.US/DOMEmain - Web Lurker's DOME.main The largest collection of photographs and roster information related to domecars (dome railroad passenger cars) to be found anywhere... Read More>>

  51. ★ Dominion Atlantic Railway

  52. - Dominion Atlantic Railway Railroad building in 19th Canada was no less of a national enterprise than in its neighbor to the south. Railroads in Atlantic Canada were especially prolific due in large measure to fear by Canadians that right after the US Civil War, with over a million men in arms, that is the US decided to invade and annex Canada there would be little that the Canadians could do to... Read More>>


  53. ☆☆☆ Eastern Pennsylvania Rail Page

  54. www.trainweb.US/eastpenn - Eastern Pennsylvania Rail Page Railfanning page of photos and info for eastern Pennsylvania including Conrail, CSX, features, railfan logs, operating manuals, audio clips, links, maps, and much more... Read More>>

  55. ★★★ El Paso Streetcars Home Page

  56. - El Paso Streetcars An extensive collection of vintage photographs of El Paso Trolleys including The Early Days Album and A PCC Streetcar Album... Read More>>

  57. ★ Railroad and Transportation Museum of El Paso

  58. - Railroad and Transportation Museum of El Paso Bringing together individuals and organizations supporting the concept of the Railroad Museum of El Paso... Read More>>

  59. Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway

  60. - Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway The E&N Division is dedicated to the preservation of BC railway heritage... Read More>>

  61. ★ Railroading in the El Paso Southwest - SW Chapter R&LHS

  62. - Railroading in the El Paso Southwest The website for the Southwest Chapter of the Railway and Locomotive Historical Society. Your comments, suggestions, questions, and criticisms are welcome either by e-mail or via the Guestbook... Read More>>

  63. ☆ Eureka Hill

  64. www.trainweb.US/eurekahill - Eureka Hill This website is dedicated to all those who have labored to preserve the history of the Eureka Hill Railroad and the mining in the area... Read More>>

  65. ★★★ East Valley Lines

  66. - East Valley Lines Welcome to the Los Angeles N-Scale Association, operators of East Valley Lines Model Railroad located in the Travel Town Museum at Griffith Park. We operate one of the largest N-Scale layouts in the world. This is just a brief trip on... Read More>>

  67. ★ 150 Years on the Rail

  68. - 150 Years on the Rail Although Evanston, Illinois is not the typical streetcar suburb or bedroom community, the rails that ran through it played a major role in transforming it from a sleepy rural farming community into the Athens of the Northwest... Read More>>


  69. ★ The Franz Swing

  70. - The Franz Swing A Telegraph Operator Revisits This Historical Station... Read More>>


  71. ★ Golden Spike Chapter, Railway & Locomotive Historical Society

  72. - Golden Spike Chapter, Railway & Locomotive Historical Society is part of the national organization Railway & Locomotive Historical Society. The current major project of the GSR&LHS is the restoration of D&RGW #223... Read More>>


  73. ★★★ Hamilton Transit History

  74. - Hamilton Transit History This website is a description of public transit in the Hamilton, Ontario region, past, present and future (Hopefully!), and is updated at the start of each month... Read More>>

  75. ★ Bay City Railway Historical Foundation

    Bay_City_Railway_Historical_Foundation.html - Bay City Railway Historical Foundation
    The BCRHF is a charitable organisation recognised by the Canada Customs & Revenue Agency. The HO Model Engineers Society Inc. established the Foundation in 1997 as a permanent railway museum... Read More>>


  77. ☆ The Lost Railways of Ireland

  78. www.trainweb.US/irishrails - The Lost Railways of Ireland In the 19th century railways bloomed in Ireland, growing fast and in all their varieties until they reached over every county and to the furthest shores... Read More>>


  79. ★ Jordan Spreader

  80. - Jordan Spreader This site is dedicated to the history and mechanical operation of the incredible machine known as the Jordan Spreader... Read More>>


  81. ★ KenRail

  82. - KenRail - steadfast for better train service in southeastern Wisconsin. Trains vital in southeast Wisconsin lakeshore cities... Read More>>

  83. ★ Kentucky & Indiana Terminal Railroad

  84. - Kentucky & Indiana Terminal Railroad Extensive photos and information on the history of the Kentucky & Indiana Terminal Railroad... Read More>>

  85. ★ Keokuk Junction Railway

  86. - Keokuk Junction Railway Farewell to the KJRY - In January of 1996, I received a phone call from my friend Chris Rose, traffic manager of the Keokuk Junction Railway. The KJ's been sold, she said... Read More>>


  87. ★ LS&BC - The LaSalle and Bureau County Railroad Company

  88. - LS&BC The LaSalle and Bureau County Railroad Company operated 15 miles of track in north central Illinois. The "Bee" (as it was called locally) was founded in 1892 to provide a connection for the zinc mines of LaSalle, IL to the neighboring railroads... Read More>>


  89. ★ McCloud Rails

  90. - McCloud Rails This website seeks to document the life and times of the rail lines owned and operated by three principle companies in the life of McCloud, the McCloud River Lumber Company, the McCloud River Railroad Company, and the McCloud Railway Company... Read More>>

  91. ★ Mile Post 51 N.Y. Railroad Memorabilia

  92. - N.Y. Railroad Memorabilia This website showcases my interests in collecting railroad emphera, exonumia and memorabilia from the following topics: Railroads that operated in the... Read More>>

  93. ☆ Milwaukee Road Online

  94. - Milwaukee Road Online A Historical look at America's Resourceful Railroad... Read More>>

  95. ★ The Milwaukee Road Pacific Extension: The myth of superiority

  96. - The Milwaukee Road Pacific Extension: The myth of superiority Most who are even vaguely familiar with American railroading know of the Milwaukee Road being the only American "transcontinental" line to have been mostly abandoned. Several sites online claim to explain why this happened... Read More>>

  97. ☆ Milwaukee Road History

  98. www.trainweb.US/milwhist - Milwaukee Road History as told through documents published by the railroad itself... Read More>>

  99. ☆ Trains From Then To Now

  100. www.trainweb.US/mistertrains - Trains From Then To Now American Railroading, 1955 to today. The railroads of a train nut. Photos and items of interest. The locomotive you are looking at is the same locomotive 4960 that now operates for the Grand Canyon Railway out of Williams, AZ. At the time this photo was taken, the locomotive had not been retired from the Burlington Route... Read More>>

  101. ★ Manistique and Lake Superior Railroad

  102. - Manistique and Lake Superior Railroad M&LS 1915 Valuation, Newspaper Articles, Railroad Travel Passes, Equipment Data, History, Mile Posts, System Map, Structures, Depots, Photos and More... Read More>>

  103. ★ Mid-Michigan Railway Historical Society

  104. - Mid-Michigan Railway Historical Society an active Rail Preservation / Railfan / Model Railroad organization. MMRHS is a Not-For Profit Corporation. It is also a Michigan Charitable Trust, and has 501 (c)3 tax-exempt status. MMRHS activities include; Fundraising events, "Railfanning" Field Trips to... Read More>>

  105. ☆ Metrolink Photo Archive

  106. www.trainweb.US/mpa - Metrolink Photo Archive A presentation by the Los Angeles Metrolink Historical Society. a photo history and archive of trains, engines, cars, stations and an... Read More>>


  107. Δ Northeast Corridor Historical Society - NECHS

  108. - Title This will be the website for the Northeast Corridor Historical Society--We have an HO scale modular railroad which we display at multiple locations throughout the year usually at larger train shows. The site will also contain images of actual trains and facilities along the AMTRAK Northeast Corridor past and present as well as models of the same. Read More>>

  109. ★ Northern Ohio Association of Railway Societies

  110. - Northern Ohio Association of Railway Societies Permanently Preserving Northern Ohio's Railroad and Transit History. A Lifetime Interest in Railroads.... Read More>>

  111. ★ Northern Ohio Railway Museum

  112. - Northern Ohio Railway Museum On two miles of the historic Cleveland Southwestern Railway, the Museum is pursuing its mission to collect, preserve, restore, display and operate streetcars and other railway equipment for the education and entertainment of the public... Read More>>

  113. ☆ Nottingham Historical Society

  114. www.trainweb.US/notthistorysoc - Nottingham Historical Society The Village of Nottingham has a rich history as part of Euclid Township, Cuyahoga County, and the City of Cleveland. Beginning in 1852 as Euclid Depot on the first east/west railroad, through its current... Read More>>

  115. ★ Narragansett Pier Railroad

  116. - Narragansett Pier Railroad In the mid-19th Century, a railroad was built from the New Haven Railroad at West Kingston, RI, through the textile-mill towns of Wakefield and Peacedale to Narragansett Bay. This web site depicts the rise and fall of that short line... Read More>>

  117. ★ Long Island Sunrise Trail Chapter of the NRHS

  118. - Long Island Sunrise Trail Chapter of the NRHS A group of dedicated railroad enthusiasts who gather regularly for companionship and fun to preserve and enjoy Long Island's significant... Read More>>

  119. ☆ The New York Connecting Railroad (Society) Website

  120. www.trainweb.US/nyconnectingrr - The New York Connecting Railroad (Society) Website I will try to recreate and resurrect the website once owned by the NYCRS back in the first years of the new millenium, even though the society has ceased to exist, on paper, anyway. There are still... Read More>>

  121. ★ NY Chapter, National Railway Historical Society

  122. - NY Chapter, National Railway Historical Society. NY NRHS, a railfan historical group, meets in Manhattan on the first Thursday of each month, except for July and August when we do not meet... Read More>>

  123. ☆ Railroads of the 1939 / 1940 World's Fair

  124. www.trainweb.US/nyworldsfair39 - Railroads of the 1939 / 1940 World's Fair Railroads At Work Souvenir Program from the N.Y. World's Fair 1939 and Lehigh Valley Railroad brochure showcasing the 1939 World's Fair... Read More>>

  125. ☆ New Zealand Geared Locomotives

  126. www.trainweb.US/nzgearedlocomotives - New Zealand Geared Locomotives This site is dedicated to preserving the history of the geared locomotives that were designed and built in New Zealand for its bush tramways... Read More>>

  127. ★ New Zealand Railways Steam Locomotives

  128. - New Zealand Railways Steam Locomotives This site portrays the locomotives that were used on the New Zealand Railways network. The period covered is from 1870 until 28 October 1971 when the last steam locomotive dropped its fire and was withdrawn from service... Read More>>


  129. ☆ Ohio Valley Railroad Historical Foundation Inc

  130. www.trainweb.US/ohiovalleyrr - Ohio Valley Railroad Historical Foundation Inc The Ohio Valley has a rich heritage of railroading. Coal from the mines of Virginia, Kentucky and Pennsylvania was hauled by train to the Ohio River where it was loaded on barges for transportation down the Mississippi to Southern states... Read More>>

  131. ★★★ B&O RR Photo Tours

  132. - B&O RR Photo Tours Virtual tours of the Baltimore and Ohio (now CSX) railroad. Over 2000 Photos, Over 15 Years, B&O Old Main Line Tour, The OML is the route of the first commercial railroad in the United States as it pushed west from Baltimore, MD to the Ohio River. It was constructed largely by hand between 1828 and 1835, and amazingly, continues in active railroading use even now. Voted top B&O history web site... Read More>>

  133. ★ Old Time Trains

  134. - Old Time Trains Canadian Railway History and Stories - Preserving Our Railway Heritage. The road to knowledge begins with the turn of the page. Formed in May 1967 by R.L.Kennedy as successor to RAILFANS UNLIMITED. At this time a new direction was taken, whereas previously steam excursions were the main activity (along with a small newsletter covering C.P.R. Toronto motive power), interest now turned to preservation... Read More>>

  135. ☆ Omaha Railway & Chicago NorthWestern

  136. www.trainweb.US/omaha - Omaha Railway & Chicago NorthWestern Railroading In Chippewa County and Taylor County, Wisconsin: Wisconsin Eastern Division, The Hannibal Branch, CSTPM&O Hannibal Branch, RPO on the CStPM&O, Wisconsin Ruby and Southern Ry, Stanley Merrill and Phillips Ry... Read More>>


  137. ★ The Philadelphia Chapter of the NRHS

  138. - The Philadelphia Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society (NRHS) Founded 1936, incorporated 1973 as a 501c3 non-profit corporation. The restored Reading FP7 903 (owned by the Philadelphia Chapter) and its sister 902 (owned by the Lancaster Chapter) were part of the original order of six units placed by the Reading Company in March of 1950. Initially the order was for three A units (FP7's) and three B units (F7B's) to replace the steam power... Read More>>

  139. ★ ★ ★ Piedmont Railroaders

  140. - Piedmont Railroaders Founded In Warrenton, Virginia in February 1995 as an organization for railroad enthusiasts of all ages, and to provide a place where the members could share their individual interests in railroading. Promoting all aspects of the hobby from railfanning to history to prototype equipment restoration and preservation to model railroading, we endeavor to create a common bond among our member's varied interests. The Club supports various community activities by participating in public train shows, and town-sponsored railroad festivals. We are the creators of the Civil War Train Display built for... Read More>>

  141. ★ PotomacNRHS

  142. - Title Potomac Chapter is a group of railfans based in the National Capital Area. We are chartered as a branch of the National Railway Historical Society (NRHS). We seek to increase public awareness of railroads and their history... Read More>>

  143. ★ Phillipsburg Railroad Historians, Inc. and Centerville & Southwestern

  144. - Phillipsburg Railroad Historians, Inc. and Centerville & Southwestern The organization was founded April 1, 1990, for the purpose of establishing a railroad museum at Phillipsburg to tell the story of... Read More>>

  145. ☆☆☆ Pennsylvania Trains

  146. www.trainweb.US/pt - Pennsylvania Trains History and photos of many railroads that serve Pennsylvania, now or in the past including the Pennsylvania Railroad, Conrail, CSX, Norfolk Southern, Shortlines, and more... Read More>>



  147. ★ Rahway Valley Railroad (RVRR)

  148. - Rahway Valley Railroad (RVRR) Chronicles 95 years of history. Here you will find a story of... Read More>>

  149. ☆ Railfanning Bourbonnais

  150. www.trainweb.US/railfanningbourbonnais - Railfanning Bourbonnais Founded originaly as Waldron, IL; Aroma Park is a peaceful small community right off of the Kankakee River. As far as I can work out, it's never been the hot-spot for trains. However, it does have an interesting history nonetheless. Back in the... Read More>>

  151. ☆☆☆ Ohio Rails

  152. www.trainweb.US/railmaster - Ohio Rails Photos around Ohio of Conrail, CSX, Hocking Valley Scenic Railway, Indiana & Ohio Railway, Maintenance Of Way, Norfolk Southern, Ohio Central, Steam Locomotives and other historical rail photos. Also audio recordings, radio frequencies, locomotive rosters and more... Read More>>

  153. ☆☆☆ Photos by John Kuehl (Assembled by Dan Ainsworth)

  154. TrainWeb.US/railnewspb - Photos by John Kuehl. Website assembled by Dan Ainsworth. John is an 'old hand' at the game. Many of his photos were in various publications over the years and were scanned by others for this website. All photos known to be by him are included... Read More>>

  155. ☆ Railref - Railway Archive Reference System

  156. www.trainweb.US/railref - Railref - Railway Archive Reference System. The Problem: For those enthusiasts interested in historical railway rolling stock, information is fairly well organised and adequately indexed at many collections around the country. This is... Read More>>

  157. ☆ Railroad Research

  158. www.trainweb.US/railroadresearch - Railroad Research. RailRoad Research aims to put the resources of the Library of Congress and National Archives at your service by helping you organize your search and pinpoint the records that have your desired rail or other information... Read More>>

  159. ★ RailWest - West Country Railway Archives

  160. - RailWest: West Country Railway Archives ...the 'ACE' site for historical information about the railways of the South-West of England. There are portions to all West Country destinations... Read More>>

  161. ☆ Rallec Railroad

  162. www.trainweb.US/rallecrr - Rallec Railroad Backyard 1/8th scale live scale including a few photos... Read More>>

  163. ☆ Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac (RF&P)

  164. www.trainweb.US/rf&p - Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac (RF&P) RF&P Photos, RF&P Resources, Model Forum, Modern CSX Ops, Tales of the RF&P, and more... Read More>>

  165. ☆ River Run Road "Route Of The Bricks"

  166. www.trainweb.US/riverrun - River Run Road "Route Of The Bricks". To those familiar with the Nickel Plate and Wheeling & Lake Erie, the River Run will become a... Read More>>

  167. ★ Golden Spike Chapter, Railway & Locomotive Historical Society

  168. - Golden Spike Chapter, Railway & Locomotive Historical Society is part of the national organization Railway & Locomotive Historical Society. We generally meet every 3rd Saturday - see website for date, time and place. Besides our major project restoring the D&RGW #223, we work closely with the Ogden Union Station Foundation in their efforts to operate and maintain the Utah State Railroad Museum... Read More>>

  169. ★ Rail-Marine Information Group (RMIG)

  170. - Rail-Marine Information Group (RMIG) is an organization of people from around the world with a common interest in the history of the transportation of railroad equipment across water... Read More>>

  171. ★ The Robber Barons

  172. - The Robber Barons The growth of America's most important railroads during the 19th century can be characterized by a number of larger-than-life luminaries. Some were simply honest, astute business men, while others were clearly unscrupulous tycoons, commonly known as The Robber Barons. This website catalogues those individuals, providing a brief bio as well as identifying the railroad(s) with which they are most clearly associated... Read More>>

  173. ★ Roundhouse

  174. - Roundhouse. This is the source for the web sites of the Hagerstown Roundhouse Museum, Inc. and the Hagerstown Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society... Read More>>

  175. ☆ The Railroads of York, Pennsylvaniak

  176. www.trainweb.US/rrofyork - The Railroads of York, Pennsylvania. Railroads & Railfanning in & around York. Ever since the construction of the Northern Central Railway's line into York in 1837-38, York County has had an... Read More>>

  177. ☆ Ravenna Railroad Historical Society

  178. www.trainweb.US/RRRHS - Ravenna Railroad Historical Society Founded in late 1998 by 16 year-old Ryan Fitzpatrick. The society never touched off until Fitzpatrick met Dave Mangold, a Norfolk Southern (ex-Conrail) employee. From there the two established a... Read More>>

  179. ★ RSHS Depot Email List

  180. - RSHS Depot Email List Provides a forum for subscribers for the exchange of information related to railroad depots, stations, and other railroad structures. The list will also disseminate information regarding the Railroad Station Historical Society... Read More>>


  181. ★ Sydney & Louisburg Railway 1895-1968

  182. - Sydney & Louisburg Railway 1895-1968. My interest in the Syndey & Louisburg Railway started 10yrs ago when my In Laws bought me the book Tracks Across The Landscape, the Commemorative S&L HIstory book. It was an interesting read, and... Read More>>

  183. ★ The Railroads of the Schoharie Valley

  184. - The Railroads of the Schoharie Valley. The Pride of the Valley. The Schoharie Valley Railway (SV) and the Middleburgh & Schoharie Railroad (M&S) were two little railroads that together only... Read More>>

  185. ★ Family Lines GP16 Roster

  186. - Family Lines GP16 Roster. Seaboard Coast Line Railroad (SCL) GP16 Roster Photos. Extensive Roster including Photos, Rebuilt Summary, Builders Plate, Renumbering, Paint Information, Frames Checked, Dispositions, Former Number, Rebuilt Date... Read More>>

  187. ☆☆☆ Screaming Eagles

  188. www.trainweb.US/screamingeagle - Screaming Eagles. Missouri Pacific Railway. A huge collection of photos of Steam Engines, Switchers & Slugs, 1940's Streamlines, 1940's-1970's EMD Power, 1980's Post Merger Power, Rolling Stock, plus much much more... Read More>>

  189. ☆ Shay #12 Knowledge

  190. www.trainweb.US/shay12 - Shay #12 Knowledge. "Three Foot Rails for shay #12 Through History. Narrowguage Class C Shay geared logging locomotive. This model represents builders serial number 3302 operated on the West Side Lumber Co. railroad operations as Number 12 out of Tudumne in the state of... Read More>>

  191. ★ Single Line - the Token web site

  192. - Single Line - the Tokens web site At present, the site is a collection of photographs of various keys, tablets and staffs mainly from the railways of East Anglia. It is hoped to expand the site to include other areas of the country as time and images become available. The tokens are grouped together as indicated in the list below, any maps associated with the tokens are only a guide to the relative positions of the token stations and are definitely not to scale... Read More>>

  193. San Jose Turn

  194. www.trainweb.US/sjt - San Jose Turn. Photograph of a historic diesel locomotive at the San Jose Turn... Read More>>

  195. ★ Smoky Mountain Railroad

  196. - Smoky Mountain Railroad. Knoxville, Slow & Easy: Slide show of Knoxville, Sevierville & Eastern Ry (1907-1921); Knoxville & Carolina RR (1921-1926); Tennessee & Northern Carolina Ry (1927-1938); Smoky Mountrain RR (1938-1961)... Read More>>

  197. ★ Seattle & North Coast Railroad Historical & Technical Society

  198. - Seattle & North Coast Railroad Historical & Technical Society. Photos, Roster of equipment, Biography of rail service on the beautiful Olympic Peninsula, References articles, books and published photos dealing with The Snick, Lore, interesting personal stories about the Seattle & North Coast, Links to... Read More>>

  199. ☆☆☆ Southern Tier Line

  200. www.trainweb.US/southerntier - Southern Tier Line. The Ultimate Railfan Guide to the Southern Tier Line including Conrail, History, Norfolk Southern Operating Plan, Photo Album, Schedules, Radio Frequencies, Track Maps, Rules, Employee Timetable, Fate of the Southern Tier Line, Interlocking, etc... Read More>>

  201. ★ Swanton Pacific Railroad

  202. - Swanton Pacific Railroad. The "Cal Poly" Swanton Pacific Historical Railroad Society is dedicated to those who: Are nuts about trains, Have a love for history, Like to be working on a fun project outdoors, Want live steam maintenance or operating experience, Have/Want machine shop, welding, or foundry experience... Read More>>

  203. ☆ Railroad Stations of San Antonio

  204. www.trainweb.US/stations - Railroad Stations of San Antonio. Home of the original Sunset Depot web site. Photos and information on many historic Texas Stations including Missouri Pacific Station, Sunset Depot, MKT Rwy, SA&AP Railroad San Antonio, Borne, TX, and more... Read More>>

  205. ★ Stump-Gulch Torent & Rock Junction Railroad

  206. - Stump-Gulch Torent & Rock Junction Railroad. Buells Creek Railway Systems 1910, Rideau Valley. STR Railroad. In 1960 the planning began for that ultimate in a model railroad. The original STR Railroad was constructed as a portable 2ft x 7ft module in 1960 and sufficed along with additions until 1970 when construction began on the STR Railroad as known today. The ultimate plan was to be... Read More>>

  207. ☆☆☆ New York City Subways

  208. www.trainweb.US/subway - New York City Subways. Dedicated to both the prototype and modeling of the New York City Subways. Includes Prototypes, Models, Sports Train Bar, Layout, Memorabilia, Photos, Links, Forums... Read More>>

  209. ★ Susquehanna Valley Railway Historical Society

  210. - Susquehanna Valley Railway Historical Society Binghamton, New York. The history programs of the chapter included topics around such regional lines as the Erie, the DL&W, the E-L, the D&H, the LVRR, the PRR and the NYO&W... Read More>>


  211. ☆ The Tennessee, Alabama & Georgia Railway

  212. www.trainweb.US/tagrailway - The Tennessee, Alabama & Georgia RailWay This site is dedicated to the history of the Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia Railway, and its rolling stock, motive power, and structures that supported a railroad that ran from Chattanooga, Tennessee, through Georgia, and into Gadsden, Alabama. The TAG ceased to exist in 1971, when it was... Read More>>

  213. ★ Canadian Railway - Agent, Operator, Dispatcher Genealogical Index

  214. - Canadian Railway: Agent, Operator, Dispatcher Genealogical Index Clicking on a Province brings up telegraph, agent, operator, and dispatcher names associated with that province. The names shown on each provincial list is NOT a complete list... Read More>>

  215. ☆☆☆ Memories of The Texas & Pacific Railway

  216. www.trainweb.US/texasandpacific - The Texas & Pacific Railway Dedicated to preserving the memory of the Texas & Pacific featuring equipment, history, links, modelers, museums, people, railroadiana, structures, print and... Read More>>

  217. ☆ The Southerner

  218. www.trainweb.US/thesoutherner - The Southerner The Southerner Express has travelled between Christchurch, Dunedin and Invercargill Daily for over 30 years and now this important part of the South Island Railway Network is no longer with us. The Southerner ran for... Read More>>

  219. ★ The Ultimate Steam Page

  220. - The Ultimate Steam Page Despite their apparent demise over 40 years ago, steam locomotives continue to work productively in remote locations around the world. Numerous serious attempts have been made to bring steam locomotives back into general railway use... Read More>>

  221. ★ The Wisconsin Electric Railway Historical Society, Inc.

  222. - The Wisconsin Electric Railway Historical Society, Inc. Incorporated in 1967 as a non-profit, educational, historical society, dedicated to the preservation of electric railway history and promotion of present day electric transit systems. We were perhaps best known for our East Troy Trolley Museum, which we operated from 1972 until forced to close in 1984. Despite our museum closing, we remain a viable and active organization. All functions and... Read More>>

  223. ☆☆☆ Tylick Division Office

  224. www.trainweb.US/tylick - Tylick Division Office Features dozens of historic railroad photos and artwork plus a vast resource for model railroaders including hundreds of vintage model railroad signs... Read More>>


  225. ☆ The Unofficial CGW web site

  226. www.trainweb.US/ucgw - The Unofficial CGW web site Chicago Great Western Railway. Includes CGW Advertisements, Depots, History, Images, Links, Racine, Resources, Saftey News, Structures, System Maps and Tales... Read More>>

  227. ☆ UK Railways

  228. www.trainweb.US/ukrailways - UK Railways Devoted to all aspects of railways in the United Kingdom. A collection of photos and articles by Riger Viggers. Kindly note that photos have been selected for their railway interest rather than photographic quality. Many date back several years and were taken in difficult circumstances... Read More>>

  229. ★★★ Ulster & Delaware Railroad

  230. - Ulster & Delaware Railroad "The Only All Rail Route Through The Catskills". The Ulster and Delaware Railroad (U&D) (later the Catskill Mountain Branch of the... Read More>>

  231. ☆Central Virginia Railfan Page

  232. www.trainweb.US/varail - Central Virginia Railfan Page The internet guide to the railroads of the Piedmont and Shenandoah Valley. This page covers a wide section of the Old Dominion, in an area bounded by Culpeper, Richmond, Lynchburg and Clifton Forge. CVRP... Read More>>

  233. ★ Unadilla Valley Railway

  234. - Unadilla Valley Railway "The Dilly-Dally Line". The Unadilla Valley Railway was an interesting and colorful shortline just west of the Catskills in the scenic Unadilla Valley region. Originally called... Read More>>

  235. ☆☆☆ Utah Rails

  236. TrainWeb.US/utahrails - Utah Rails History & photos of the railroads that have run or still run in Utah. Content is heavy on the side of the Rio Grande. Most photos are from Roper Yard east to the Colorado state line. Includes caboose photos, modeling, road trips & more... Read More>>



  237. ☆ Wellsville, Addison & Galeton (WAG) Russell Snow Plow X-3710

  238. www.trainweb.US/wagplow - Wellsville, Addison & Galeton (WAG) Russell Snow Plow X-3710 Located at the Rochester & Genesee Valley Railroad Museum, Industry, New York, including WAG History, Russell History, Plow Specs, Historical Pictures, Future Outlook... Read More>>

  239. ★ Washington & Old Dominion Railway

  240. - Washington & Old Dominion Railway The W&OD came into being when the Southern Railway leased the Bluemont Branch to the new company in 1912. Constructed as an electric interurban at a time when such properties were past their prime, the W&OD was destined to struggle for all of its life, coming to and end in the late 1960's... Read More>>

  241. ☆ Watsonville Junction

  242. www.trainweb.US/watsonvillejunction - Watsonville Junction For many American towns and cities the railroad depot was the most important building in town. The depot was the connection to the outside world. You would ship your... Read More>>

  243. ☆☆☆ Web Lurker's DOME.main

  244. TrainWeb.US/web_lurker - Web Lurker's DOME.main Dan Ainsworth brings you the largest collection of photographs and roster information related to domecars (dome railroad passenger cars) to be found anywhere: over 2,000 photos with all 237 domecars identified... Read More>>

  245. ☆ Wig-Wags in Northwest Oregon

  246. www.trainweb.US/wigwags - Wig-Wags in Northwest Oregon Information about Wig-Wags in NW Oregon including photos of wig-wags in Knappa. A simple device, the wig-wag was a metal sign with a red light mounted in the center. When a train approached, the sign would... Read More>>

  247. ★★★ Heritage DiscoveRy Center

  248. - Heritage DiscoveRy Center The Heritage DiscoveRy Center provides the Buffalo and Niagara Frontier with a unique cultural attraction to showcase the rich railroad, marine and industrial heritage of the region. Our goal has been to create a... Read More>>

  249. ★★★ Western New York Railway Historical Society

  250. - Western New York Railway Historical Society, Inc. was founded to ensure that what remains of our Railway Heritage is preserved for present and future generations. Our primary goal was achieved in... Read More>>

  251. ★★ Western Pacific F7 918-D

  252. - Western Pacific F7 918-D Many historic and current photos of the Western Pacific 918-D, an EMD F7 built in Jan 1950 powered by a 1500 horsepower 16 cylinder EMD engine restored by the Pacific Locomotive Association and... Read More>>

  253. ★★★ Mike's Western Pacific Railroad Information Site

  254. - Mike's Western Pacific Railroad Information Site A source for Western Pacific Railroad information or a path to other sites that contain Western Pacific Railroad information. This site is... Read More>>

  255. ☆☆☆ Wyoming Rails

  256. www.trainweb.US/wyomingrails - Wyoming Rails History of the railroads that run or have run in the state of Wyoming and the locales they run through, caboose locations, history links, locales, mining, news wire, photos, railroads... Read More>>



  257. ★ The Yellow Kid

  258. - The Yellow Kid In the late 19th Century, the Pennsylvania Railroad instituted a new Chicago-New York, and the first all vestibule train in America called the "Pennsylvania Limited." Owing to the fact that the cars were brightly colored using the same... Read More>>


  259. Zephyr Junction

  260. www.trainweb.US/zephyr - Zephyr Junction Zephyr Junction evolved as a railroad town due to location of two railway systems that passed near Zephyr, Ontario. They were the Lake Simcoe Junction Railway Company, established in 1877 and the Canadian Northern Railway, later the Grand Trunk Railway, established in 1906... Read More>>

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