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TrainWeb Hosted Websites Featuring
Railroad Clubs including
Model Raliroad Clubs and
Model Railroad Associations

Sorted by URL and not by title.

    Garden Railway Societies (GRS)

  1. ☆ Iowa Rails

  2. www.trainweb.US/iowarails - Iowa Rails This web site is dedicated to railfans in Iowa with interests in both Model and Real Trains. Photos from garden railway societies are featured here.. Read More>>

  3. ★★★ JLS Railroad

  4. - JLS Railroad The JLS Railroad is a Large Scale 40' x 42' indoor, regularly operating Prototypical layout. We have been in existence since 1990... Read More>>

  5. ★ South Jersey Garden Railroad Society

  6. - South Jersey Garden Railroad Society South Jersey Garden Railroad Society is a group of model train enthusiasts from southern New Jersey. We seek to increase interest... Read More>>

  7. ☆ Southwestern Michigan Garden Railway Club

  8. www.trainweb.US/swmgrc - Southwestern Michigan Garden Railway Club. What is now known as the Southwestern Michigan Garden Railway Club began as an informal gathering of G scale customers of J&W Model Trains in the 1990. The layout currently has over 700 feet of track on two levels. Four main line and two trolley lines are capable of operating simultaneously. The layout... Read More>>

    Model Railroad Associations
    (NMRA Local Chapters):

  9. ☆ Alexandria Model Railroad Association

  10. TrainWeb.US/amra - Alexandria Model Railroad Association An archived website of this association including photos of their rebuilding of their model layout from 2008 to 2011 and a 2011 road trip to Tracy, Montana... Read More>>

  11. Cape Fear Railroaders Chapter 164 NRHS NMRA

  12. www.trainweb.US/capefear - Cape Fear Railroaders Chapter #164, of the National Railway Historical Society and 100% National Model Railroad Association club. We are the local Railfan and Model Railroading club in Fayetteville, NC... Read More>>

  13. ★★ Scenic Line Modelers, Inc

  14. - Scenic Line Modelers, Inc Denver & Rio Grande Western Prototypical HO/HOn3 Scale Mountain Model Railroad, Denver, Colorado... Read More>>

  15. ★★★ Erin Mills Model Railroad Association

  16. - Erin Mills Model Railroad Association Mississauga, Ontario, Canada - Formed in May 1980 as a club to encourage and promote model railroading. The club includes two active groups based on portable modular layouts, one for HO scale and one for N scale. These layouts are assembled at... Read More>>

  17. ★★★ East Valley Lines

  18. - East Valley Lines Welcome to the Los Angeles N-Scale Association, operators of East Valley Lines Model Railroad located in the Travel Town Museum at Griffith Park. We operate one of the largest N-Scale layouts in the world. This is just a brief trip on... Read More>>

  19. ★ James Valley Model Railroad Association

  20. - James Valley Model Railroad Association The purpose of the association is to increase the knowledge of the fundamental principles and techniques of model railroading, to increase the interest in model railroading in the community and surrounding areas and, to introduce the youth of Aberdeen and the surrounding communities to the history of railroads and promote the enjoyment of model railroading... Read More>>

  21. ☆ Manhattan Area Rail Joiners Association

  22. www.trainweb.US/MARJ - Manhattan Area Rail Joiners Association A group of modelers who enjoy railroading in any scale. Our HO scale layout has traveled to St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, and Wichita for display and has won numerous awards... Read More>>

  23. ★ Miami Valley S Gaugers

  24. - Miami Valley S Gaugers An active S gauge modular club serving the Southwest Ohio area. The group currently has around 35 members, both AF collectors and operators, and S scale modelers. There are usually about 12 attending any given meeting... Read More>>

  25. ☆ AR-NMRA Module Special Interest Group

  26. www.trainweb.US/NMRAMODSIGAU - AR-NMRA Module Secial Interest Group The intent of the SIG is to provide an environment within which individual members would be inspired and challenged to continually improve their prototype knowledge and practical skills and apply new technology and ideas as they evolve... Read More>>

  27. ★ Orange County Module Railroaders Inc.

  28. - Orange County Module Railroaders Inc. Southern California's Premier Modular Railroading Group. Instead of building a large, permanent layout, members build and maintain modules that can be assembled with modules built by other members into a large, operating display. Each person works from... Read More>>

  29. ★ Rochester Area S-Gaugers

  30. - Rochester Area S-Gaugers We are located in Rochester, New york and are dedicated to S scale (1/64 scale) model railroading. Members are interested in S scale model railroading, including standard and narrow gauge models, hi-rail, and American Flyer operating and collecting. Memberships are... Read More>>

  31. ★ Sunrise Division

  32. - Sunrise Division. Rocky Mountain Region NMRA. Meetings, Calendar, Clinics, Clubs, Re-Cycled News, Call Boards, Achievement Program, Convention Posts, Officers, Members Layouts, UP Shop Tours, and more... Read More>>

    Model Railroad Clubs:

  33. ★ American Flyer "S" Gaugers of the St. Louis Area

  34. - American Flyer "S" Gaugers of the St. Louis Area. Home of the American Flyer "S" Gaugers of the St. Louis Area. 3 local American Flyer model train enthusiasts founded the club in 1975. Since then the club has... Read More>>

  35. ★★★ Algoma Central Railfan & Modeling Site

  36. - Algoma Central Railway (ACR) Railfan and Modelling Site The ACR runs 296 miles throughout relatively untouched northern Ontario wilderness from Sault Ste. Marie to Hearst, Ontario and 26 miles from the division point at Hawk Junction, Ontario, to Michipicoten Harbour on... Read More>>

  37. ☆ AM Express N Scale Model Railroad Club

  38. www.trainweb.US/amexpressnscale - AM Express N Scale Model Railroad Club Located in Miami, Florida. Heartland Central Railroad club layout, layout photos, layout construction, scenery construction, club history, N scale links, e-mail comments, Kokomo River. Featured in Jan-Feb 2000 N-Scale Magazine... Read More>>

  39. Brevard County Model Railroaders

  40. - Brevard County Model Railroaders A new model railroad club currently in search of a home to build a model railroad in Brevard County, Florida. We are in talks with the Grant Historical Society regarding the Grant Train Depot location. We will... Read More>>

  41. ★ Badgerland S Gaugers

  42. - Badgerland S-Gaugers A Social Club for the promotion of model railroading - especially S gauge including American Flyer, high rail, scale and other facets - BSG Charter... Read More>>

  43. ★ Berryville & Summit Point Railway

  44. - Berryville & Summit Point Railway The building of the B&SP is for my enjoyment and eventually for the enjoyment of friends when invited to operation sessions... Read More>>

  45. ☆ Buhl Model Railroad Society

  46. - Buhl Model Railroad Show Mission Statement: To introduce and promote the appreciation and legacy of model railroading to all ages through an annual holiday model train show as a part of the program of The Buhl Community Recreation Center... Read More>>

  47. ★ California Southern Model Railroad Club

  48. - California Southern Model Railroad Club Since 1984 ~ Now Celebrating 30+ Years of HO Scale Model Railroading in Norwalk, CA! We typically neet Wednesday evenings between 6:00 and 9:00 PM, the public is always welcome. The first Tuesday of each month is our formal meeting night where club business is discussed. Monthly meetings start promptly at 7:30 PM, all members are encouraged... Read More>>

  49. ★ Cambridge Model Railroad Club

  50. - Cambridge Model Railroad Club Formed in November 1975, the purpose of the club is to promote model railroading and to encourage its members to develop their modeling skills and to support the NMRA (National Model Railroad Association)... Read More>>

  51. ★ Central Arizona Model Railroad Club

  52. - Central Arizona Model Railroad Club Serving the Quad City region (Prescott, Prescott Valley, Chino Valley & Dewey-Humboldt) of central Arizona... Read More>>

  53. ★ Chicagoland Association of S Gaugers (CASG)

  54. - Chicagoland Association of S Gaugers CASG, one of the largest S gauge clubs in the world, began in 1969, when members gathered at the Illinois Institute of Technology on Chicago's south side to talk about S scale model trains... Read More>>

  55. ★ Epsom & Ewell Model Railway Club

  56. - Epsom & Ewell Model Railway Club The club exists to bring together those who reside in and around Epsom interested in the hobby of railway modelling. The town of Epsom and nearby village of Ewell make up a semi-rural community located about 15 miles (24 km) south west of central London... Read More>>

  57. ★ Edmonton Society of Model Railroad Engineers

  58. - Edmonton Society of Model Railroad Engineers These displays show railroading and model railroading in all its glory, from early steam to modern high power diesels... Read More>>

  59. ★ Elkhart Model Railroad Club

  60. - Elkhart Model Railroad Club Visit the Elkhart Model Railroad Club and see our HO & N-scale pikes. We sure do have a lot of fun at the railroad club... Read More>>

  61. ★ Forest City Division Railroad Enthusiasts Inc.

  62. - Forest City Division Railroad Enthusiasts Inc. A railroad club that meets monthly in the Greater Cleveland, Ohio, area. Our primary interest is in prototype railroading, both current and historic, and sharing information about current railroad news and events in the northeast Ohio and western Pennsylvania... Read More>>

  63. ★ Gateway N-Trak

  64. - Gateway N-Trak An N Scale club based in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area. Founded in 2000 we have the most animated N-SCALE / NTRAK modules in the St. Louis area. Home of the infamous Tornado Module... Read More>>

  65. ☆ Great Falls Model Railroad Club

  66. www.trainweb.US/gfmrc - Great Falls Model Railroad Club Model Railroad Education is a major function of our club. Nearly all scales and railroad interests are represented by individual members of the club... Read More>>

  67. ☆ Galveston Model Railroad Club & Museum

  68. www.trainweb.US/gmrrc - Galveston Model Railroad Club & Museum The Galveston Model Railroad Club and Museum is located on beautiful Galveston Island near the Historic Strand District. The entire second floor of the building is the setting for our HO Scale exhibit. The lower floor is where the G Scale Scale exhibits are located... Read More>>

  69. ☆ Goldsboro Area Model Railroad Club, Inc

  70. www.trainweb.US/goldsbororrclub - Goldsboro Area Model Railroad Club, Inc. Come and take a ride with us along the route through the North Carolina countryside past farms, houses, and the various industries along the way... Read More>>

  71. ★ GRASS - Garden Railway Addicts of Sutherland Shire

  72. - Garden Railway Addicts of Sutherland Shire We are an informal group in the southern part of Sydney, Australia, who meet irregularly to indulge in our addiction to 45mm gauge garden railways. Some of us have been addicted for years while others have only just been bitten by the bug... Read More>>

  73. ★ HOMES Model Railroad Club & Museum

  74. - HOMES Model Railroad Club & Museum HOMES is a model railway club in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Established in 1948, HOMES is dedicated to prototype modelling of the Hamilton railway scene as it was a half century ago... Read More>>

  75. ☆ Hopewell Junction Model Railroad Club

  76. www.trainweb.US/hopewellmod - Hopewell Junction Model Railroad Club The Hopewell Junction Model Railroad Club was founded in 1993 by a group of modelers who wanted to reconstruct in HO scale the busy rail junction at Hopewell NY as it was in the 1920s... Read More>>

  77. ★ Houston Tinplate Operators Society ( )

  78. ( ) - Houston Tinplate Operators Society An organization of O-gauge train modelers whose principal interests range from true tinplate (pre & postwar) to near-scale 3-rail operation... Read More>>

  79. ☆ Iowa Rails

  80. www.trainweb.US/iowarails - Iowa Rails This web site is dedicated to railfans in Iowa with interests in both Model and Real Trains. Photos from garden railway societies are featured here.. Read More>>

  81. ★ Kansas Central Model Railroaders

  82. - Kansas Central Model Railroaders We are a train club based in Hutchinson, Kansas. We draw our members from the surrounding area as well as membership from other communities. We are a dual scale club with members having HO and N scale... Read More>>

  83. ★ K&I Model Railroad Club

  84. - K&I Model Railroad Club (Kentucky and Indiana) An award winning HO scale model railroad club based out of Louisville, Kentucky and Southern Indiana started in 1993 with the goal of bringing new members and ideas to our hobby... Read More>>

  85. ★ Lower Anthracite Model Railroad Club

  86. - Lower Anthracite Model Railroad Club Our Club has built and operates The Shamokin Lines which is a 3,000 square foot HO scale model railroad. The area being modeled is Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. Featured in the February 1999 issue of Model Railroader Magazine... Read More>>

  87. ★ Little "Q" Model Railroad Club

  88. - Little "Q" Model Railroad Club Our members' diverse interests range mainly from the late 1930s to the present day, but almost anything and everything is welcome. The club is HO scale, and some of our members also have interests in other scales... Read More>>

  89. ☆ Marion Model Railroad Club

  90. www.trainweb.US/marionmodelrailroad - Marion Model Railroad Club This site provides information about our club, including our history, location and a preview of what you might see if you stop by in person... Read More>>

  91. ★ Metro East Model Railroad Club

  92. - Metro East Model Railroad Club The club's HO scale layout is located in Glen Carbon, IL. The layout is 18'6" wide by 27'6" long and has roughly 1000' of track on two levels. It features a freight yard, passenger yard, and a staging yard... Read More>>

  93. ★ Metrowest Model Railroad Society

  94. - Metrowest Model Railroad Society We are a group of O scale model railroaders from the western suburbs of Boston. Mostly, we model in 2 rail O scale, but we do have some members who have... Read More>>

  95. ☆ Minnesota Heartland Railroad

  96. - Minnesota Heartland Railroad The Prairie Products Line. The MHRR traces its roots to the decision by the Great Northern Railroad to terminate its Lake Wobegone branch at Lake Wobegone, Minnesota... Read More>>

  97. ☆ Maine-S-Gaugers

  98. www.trainweb.US/msg - Maine-S-Gaugers Our membership includes American Flyer operators and collectors, Hi-railers, and S-SCalers. We meet regularly the second Saturday of every month at our member's homes. We like to keep our meets informal and use them as an opportunity to.... Read More>>

  99. ★ The Military Society of Model Railroad Engineers

  100. - The Military Society of Model Railroad Engineers We welcome you to the miniature world of the North Star Railroads. Our Mission: To create miniature railroad environments, teach others about the hobby, and have fun... Read More>>

  101. ★ North Central Texas All Scale Model Railroad Group

  102. - North Central Texas All Scale Model Railroad Group Traces its beginning back to 2006 when Dallas, Garland & Mesquite Model Railroad Club members Roger Houser and Billy Roden decided to form a new "less formal but more active" club. Since Roger and Billy were modeling in different scales they decided the new group would be a non-scale specific organization. Today, NCTAS continues to... Read More>>

  103. ★ North Penn S Gaugers

  104. - North Penn S Gaugers We were established in March of 1998 to encourage S gauge model railroaders in the North Penn area. The North Penn area was so named by the Reading Company Mainline from Philadelphia to Bethlehem. Today we have members along the North Penn mainline in Philadelphia and... Read More>>

  105. ★ Orlando N-trak Club

  106. - Orlando N-trak Club In our 30x60 foot train room we operate 2 seperate N-scale and HO scale layouts and an N-scale traveling layout based off of the CSX-FEC line from Jacksonville to Folkston... Read More>>

  107. ☆ The Preston Model Railway Society (PMRS)

  108. www.trainweb.US/pmrs - The Preston Model Railway Society (PMRS) We are a model train club located in Kitchener, Ontario founded in 1977 with both HO and N scale layouts Where the purpose of Model Railroading is having fun... Read More>>

  109. ☆ Peninsula Ntrak

  110. www.trainweb.US/pntrak - Peninsula Ntrak We are an Ntrak Model Railroad club in the San Francisco Bay area of California. Since 1991 we have been doing mostly local shows but many of our members have traveled with their modules to conventions all up and down the west coast. We use the most basic Ntrak standard, The red, yellow, and... Read More>>

  111. ☆ The Pines and Praries S Scale Workshop

  112. www.trainweb.US/PPSSW - The Pines and Praries S Scale Workshop An informal, social, Twin-Cities based club dedicated to promoting and enjoying S-Scale (1:64) model railroading in all its many forms: Scale, Hi-Rail, American Flyer, and Sn3. Meetings are held most Thursday evenings at members' homes with... Read More>>

  113. ☆ An Introduction To P64

  114. www.trainweb.US/proto64 - An Introduction To P64 Welcome to the Proto:64 Special Interest Group's (SIG's) presence on the world wide web. This site should answer all of your questions about Proto:64 modeling, who's doing it, and... Read More>>

  115. ★ Polk Station Rail Model Railroad Club

  116. - Polk Station Rail Model Railroad Club Polk Station Rail is located at the Rickreall Grange (upstairis), 280 Main St. (99W) in Rickreall, Oregon. We occupy a 33 by 32 foot area, modeling a freelance design that is non-era specific in HO scale Standard gauge... Read More>>

  117. ☆ Delaware SeaSide RailRoad Club

  118. www.trainweb.US/seaside - Delaware SeaSide RailRoad Club. Photos from events of the club and member layouts including O Gauge, S Gauge, and HO Guage. This is an archival website with photos from the years 2004 through 2008... Read More>>

  119. ★ Shannondell Model Railroad Club

  120. - Shannondell Model Railroad Club. Located in Audubon, Pennsylvania, the club is open exclusively to residents of the Shannondell community. Photos from the early days, steam and diesel locomotives, track diagrams and more are featured... Read More>>

  121. ★ The Shoreline Garden Railroad Club

  122. - The Shoreline Garden Railroad Club. A G scale Train Club for G-scale enthusiasts in Southern Delaware and the Maryland Eastern Shore. The mission of the Shore Line Garden Railroad Club is the enjoyment of G-scale garden railroading. This is accomplished through the exchange of... Read More>>

  123. ★ South Hampton Roads N-TRAK

  124. - South Hampton Roads N-TRAK. South Hampton Roads N-TRAK is an N scale modular model railroading club meeting in the southeast region of Virginia USA. Visitors are welcome at... Read More>>

  125. ★ South Jersey Garden Railroad Society

  126. - South Jersey Garden Railroad Society South Jersey Garden Railroad Society is a group of model train enthusiasts from southern New Jersey. We seek to increase interest... Read More>>

  127. ★ South Jersey S Gaugers

  128. - South Jersey S Gaugers Based on A.C. Gilbert Inc. American Flyer trains, "S" scale modeling has grown into a wide multi-faceted hobby. Many of our members are collectors and collector/operators of classic American Flyer trains. Others, who had a start with American Flyer trains have turned to other aspects... Read More>>

  129. ★ Strasburg Model Railroad Club

  130. - Strasburg Model Railroad Club. Membership info, club events, news, layouts, scales, RDC, pictures, videos, links and more. THe club layout had a humble beginning and started out on a shelf in the garage of Dave's Voorhees, NJ home.The first version of the layout was constructed after over two years of... Read More>>

  131. ★ Chemin de fer Sorel, Richelieu et Saint-Laurent

  132. - Chemin de fer Sorel, Richelieu et Saint-Laurent Les membres du club de train Sorel, Richelieu et St-Laurent de Sorel; sont fiers de vous inviter dans notre nouveau local pour des operations complètes... Read More>>

  133. ★ Susquehanna S Gaugers

  134. - Susquehanna S Gaugers. An archive website including club info, club videos, photos of club events, photos of members' layouts, club archives, miscellaneous S archives, members' web pages, and more... Read More>>

  135. ☆ Torrington Area Model Railroaders

  136. www.trainweb.US/tamr - Torrington Area Model Railroaders Home of the Connecticut NorthWestern (CTNW) Railroad. The Torrington Area Model Rairoaders began in 1996 with 8 members. Membership has grown over time. The club has continued to add shows... Read More>>

  137. ★ Titusville Area Model Railroad Club

  138. - Titusville Area Model Railroad Club We are a club devoted to Model Railroading and the promotion of the hobby. Stop back often to see how we have progressed. In the meantime, check out the following facts about our Club and who we are. All ages are welcome... Read More>>

  139. ★ Texas Northern Model Railroad Club

  140. - Texas Northern Model Railroad Club Our Club got its start in 1982 when the North Dallas Modular Railroad Club was formed by Pat Coughlin, Mike Caldwell, Steele Craver, Jim Kurtz, Bill Sumner and Ed Kaiser. For the first two years the Club operated out the member's homes. Over the next seven years... Read More>>

  141. ★ Tinplate Trackers of Austin Texas

  142. - Tinplate Trackers of Austin Texas A 3-rail O-Gauge Model Train Club that participates in a number of model railroading activities and events in Central Texas. Membership is open to anyone having interest in Trains. Our website is constantly being updated... Read More>>

  143. Western Michigan Model Railroad Club

  144. www.trainweb.US/wmmrrc - Western Michigan Model Railroad Club Welcome to the home page of the Western Michigan Railroad Club. Located in Wyoming, Michigan, we are the oldest model train group in the Western Michigan area, having been founded in 1959. Model Railroad photo gallery... Read More>>

  145. ☆☆☆ Western New York S Scale Association

  146. www.trainweb.US/WNYSSA - Western New York S Scale Association An informal group of model railroad enthusiasts located in the Buffalo / Niagara area with interests in all aspects of S scale (1/64th). This site features many model railroad photos, videos and resources... Read More>>

    Modular Railroad Clubs:

  147. ★ '20s, '30s & Beyond Modular Model Railroad
    The '20s, '30s & Beyond Modular Model Railroad recreates the Golden Age of railroading modeled in 1:87 HO scale.

  148. - '20s, '30s & Beyond Modular Model Railroad Replicating the golden age of railroading in 1:87 HO scale. Members build and transport their own modules depicting North American railroading during the period from end of WWI through the steam-to-diesel era... Read More>>

  149. ☡ Abilene Society of Model Railroaders
    Model Railroad Club In Abilene Texas

  150. - Abilene Society of Model Railroaders Promoting model railroading and preserving Abilene's railroad heritage... Read More>>

  151. ☆ Ammonoosuc Valley Railway Association

  152. TrainWeb.US/avra - Ammonoosuc Valley Railway Association Operates HO scale and O gauge modular railroad layouts at shows in Northern New Hampshire. Photos of setting up for a model railroad show... Read More>>

  153. Baltimore Area American Flyer Club
    An American Flyer club focused on the mid-Atlantic region.

  154. - Baltimore Area American Flyer Club A non-profit model railroad club dedicated to American Flyer Trains. Our club is centered in the Baltimore/Washington metropolitan although our membership extends from Pennsylvania to Virginia... Read More>>

  155. ☆ Indy FREEMO Modular Railroad Group

  156. www.trainweb.US/indyfreemo - Indy FREEMO Modular Railroad Club FREEMO is for modelers who enjoy creating protypical scenes and operational layouts. It is possible to have a much larger layout to run your trains on then you might have the time, space or money to build all by yourself. If you get tired of a scene, sell it or give it to someone else and build something new... Read More>>

  157. ★ James Valley Model Railroad Association

  158. - James Valley Model Railroad Association The purpose of the association is to increase the knowledge of the fundamental principles and techniques of model railroading, to increase the interest in model railroading in the community and surrounding areas and, to introduce the youth of Aberdeen and the surrounding communities to the history of railroads and promote the enjoyment of model railroading... Read More>>

  159. ★ Loose Ties Model Railroad Club

  160. - Loose Ties Model Railclub Club. The archive website of the club including all gauges mobile modular train displays, members info, club layout photos, members layout photos, archive-modules, and more... Description goes here... Read More>>

  161. ☆ Manhattan Area Rail Joiners Association

  162. www.trainweb.US/MARJ - Manhattan Area Rail Joiners Association A group of modelers who enjoy railroading in any scale. Our HO scale layout has traveled to St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, and Wichita for display and has won numerous awards... Read More>>

  163. ★ Narragansett Bay Railway and Navigation Company

  164. - Narragansett Bay Railway and Navigation Company Rhode Island's Premier On30 Modular Railroad. The Narragansett Bay Railway & Navigation Co. was founded in 2001 as an On30 modular railroad. As a narrow gauge short line, the NBR&N winds it's way thru... Read More>>

  165. ☆ AR-NMRA Module Special Interest Group

  166. www.trainweb.US/NMRAMODSIGAU - AR-NMRA Module Secial Interest Group The intent of the SIG is to provide an environment within which individual members would be inspired and challenged to continually improve their prototype knowledge and practical skills and apply new technology and ideas as they evolve... Read More>>

  167. ☆ North Texas Free-mo

  168. www.trainweb.US/northtexfreemo - North Texas Free-mo in conjunction with the Prototype Modelers set up on May 21-23 2010 at the Keller Lion's Club. The Free-Mo layout had 283 of main line trackage and stretched end-to-end... Read More>>

  169. ☆ North Texas T-Trak Modular Railroad Club

  170. www.trainweb.US/ntxttrak - North Texas T-Trak Modular Railroad Club Our N-scale based layout closely follows the national T-Trak modular system. If this system is new to you, we encourage you to visit both and the "Unofficial T-Trak Handbook" at to learn more. As you read about this innovative modular system, please keep in mind that we follow the 33mm or... Read More>>

  171. ☆ Ohio Valley Freemo

  172. www.trainweb.US/ohiovalleyfreemo - Ohio Valley Freemo Ohio Valley Free-mo is an HO scale model railroad group that was established in October of 2003 by people with an interest in the Free-mo method of module building and operations. The group is small with members in areas of southwestern Ohio and northern Kentucky... Read More>>

  173. ★ Oklahoma Free-mo

  174. - Title Free-mo continues to grow in the Southern Plains, including here in Oklahoma. New modules are under construction, and group members have been participating in recent joint setups with groups in Texas and Kansas. We are looking forward to setting up with large multi-group... Read More>>

  175. ★ Red River Railroad, Texas - Oklahoma

  176. - Red River Railroad, Texas - Oklahoma Formed in 1982 the club has built and maintained several layouts through the years. Our main goal is to maintain an active club and promote the hobby with regular working and operating sessions that are open to anyone. The club has interest in several scales, but HO and N scale are the most popular scale for... Read More>>

  177. ☆ SEK Free-mo

  178. www.trainweb.US/sek-mo - SEK Free-mo. Welcome to the South East Kansas Free-mo! SEK-mo is a modular group who are building modules to the U.S. Free-mo Standards. The Free-mo Concept was developed with the idea of building modules to operate prototypically, and not to run in a circle. Module owners now can... Read More>>

  179. ☆ St. Louis T-Trak

  180. www.trainweb.US/stlttrak - St. Louis T-Trak St. Louis T-Trak is a model railroad club that has modules built to the N-Scale T-Trak specification. We setup our modules multiple times a year in and around the St. Louis, Missouri area. Our main focus is to promote the hobby of model railroading... Read More>>

  181. ★ Sussex County Railroad Club

  182. - Sussex County Railroad Club. Since 1975, a group of railroad enthusiasts, both prototypical and model. Photos of club outings featured on the website. Informal monthly meetings feature slide or video presentations, snacks, general... Read More>>

  183. ★ The sHOw Modular Model Railroad Club

  184. - The sHOw Modular Model Railroad Club Formed in 1993, membership is composed of persons from Southern Kentucky and Northern Tennessee. Beginning in 2000, the club has won numerous prizes in the Great American Train Show at... Read More>>

  185. ☆ Windsor Modular Railroad Club

  186. www.trainweb.US/wmrc - Windsor Modular Railroad Club Dozens of photos of modular railroads including trains, layouts, train shows, and links to major railroads, railfan web sites and model railroad resources... Read More>>

    Mixed Interest Railroad Clubs:

  187. ★ Altoona Railway Museum Club

  188. - Altoona Railway Museum Club had its beginnings at the time the Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR) ceased to exist and when many of the PRR's historical sites in the Altoona, Pennsylvania, area were being dismantled. Although many local facilities were... Read More>>

  189. ★★★ Ann Arbor RailRoad Technical and Historical Association

  190. - The Ann Arbor Technical and Historical Association Non-profit organization with the purpose of collecting, preserving, and disseminating information and artifacts relating to the history of the Ann Arbor Railrod, and its... Read More>>

  191. Beatrice Area Railroad Enthusiasts

  192. - Beatrice Area Railroad Enthusiasts If you enjoy model railroading, watching trains, photographing trains, or just enjoy talking about trains, then you belong with us... Read More>>

  193. ★★★ Cleveland & Eastern Interurban Historical Society & Museum

  194. - Cleveland and Eastern Interurban Historical Society and Museum A non-profit group dedicated to the preservation of artifacts and materials relating to Northeast Ohio's Interurban Railways. Our goal is to educate the public about... Read More>>

  195. ★★ Doubleheaders Model Railroad Club (

  196. - Doubleheaders Model Railroad Club Sponsoring one of the Largest Annual Layout Tours in Canada. We offer a selection of layouts to visit, learn and share the enjoyment of model railroading... Read More>>

  197. ★★ Scenic Line Modelers, Inc

  198. - Scenic Line Modelers, Inc Denver & Rio Grande Western Prototypical HO/HOn3 Scale Mountain Model Railroad, Denver, Colorado... Read More>>

  199. ★ Derwent Railway Society

  200. - Derwent Railway Society Based in Cumbria, England, it was formed in 1979 and is dedicated to the preservation of local railway artefacts and railway heritage in Cumbria... Read More>>

  201. ☡ Durban Society Model Engineers EST 1913

  202. www.trainweb.US/dsme - Durban Society Engineers EST 1913 Located in South Africa, the Society is a non-profit organisation where builders of miniature locomotives of 3.5" and 5" ride the rails. Members have built steam tractors, steam lorries, batter operated locomotives, and IC race cars... Read More>>

  203. ★★★ Friends 4 Expo Transit

  204. - Friends 4 Expo Transit An all-volunteer group of citizens joined together to support an alternative to Los Angeles' world-record traffic: a fast, comfortable, safe, quiet, exhaust-free, high-capacity light rail transit line (The Expo Line) - with landscaping and bike path - from downtown L.A. to Santa Monica... Read More>>

  205. ★ Georgia Society of Ferroequinologists

  206. - Georgia Society of Ferroequinologists a railroading club organized to discuss and enjoy railroading and trains, from prototype to models, in a social environment. It is a family club, with ALL members of a family welcome to participate... Read More>>

  207. ☆ Iowa Rails

  208. www.trainweb.US/iowarails - Iowa Rails This web site is dedicated to railfans in Iowa with interests in both Model and Real Trains. Photos from garden railway societies are featured here.. Read More>>

  209. ☆☆☆ Oaks Model Railroad Club 1994-2002

  210. www.trainweb.US/oaksmodelrr - Oaks Model Railroad Club 1994-2002 Extensive photo gallery and movie archive of Amtrak, CSX, Norfolk Southern and other railroad locomotives and equipment plus model railroad layout, links and library... Read More>>

  211. ★ ★ ★ Piedmont Railroaders

  212. - Piedmont Railroaders Founded In Warrenton, Virginia in February 1995 as an organization for railroad enthusiasts of all ages, and to provide a place where the members could share their individual interests in railroading. Promoting all aspects of the hobby from railfanning to history to prototype equipment restoration and preservation to model railroading, we endeavor to create a common bond among our member's varied interests. The Club supports various community activities by participating in public train shows, and town-sponsored railroad festivals. We are the creators of the Civil War Train Display built for... Read More>>

  213. ★★ Western Pacific F7 918-D

  214. - Western Pacific F7 918-D Many historic and current photos of the Western Pacific 918-D, an EMD F7 built in Jan 1950 powered by a 1500 horsepower 16 cylinder EMD engine restored by the Pacific Locomotive Association and... Read More>>

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