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Rail Alaska
Alaskan Rail Travel & Tours
Includes Travel To Alaska By Rail
Below you will find the railroad related stories, travelogues and photos specifically about railroads in Alaska.
TrainWeb correspondents have made numerous trips to Alaska over the years to ride the railroads of Alaska and continue
to make new trips each year to provide us with updated travelogues and photos of the trains and scenery of Alaska.
Additional information, travelogues and photos is provided below by numerous independently operated rail related websites
hosted on the web server.
Alaska Railroad Stories & Photos from Richard Elgenson at
White Pass & Yukon Route Stories & Photos:
Information about railroads in Alaska:
Report & Photos of Move of New Holland America Railcars to Alaska:
Reports & Photos by Robin Bowers:
National Railway Historical Society (NRHS)
Alaska 2013
Auto, Train, Bus and Plane. And Taxi too.
Report & Photos by Robin Bowers
Sep 14, 2013 - Riverboat, Steam engine train and Stanley Steamer.
It is the crack of dawn in the second largest city in the largest state in the Union that this day starts. Before falling asleep last night I perused the NRHS Schedule of Activities for Saturday September 14. The main first check point I needed to make was the bus shuttle operation from the Westmark to Riverboat Discovery. This was from 7:00 AM to 8:30 AM. I chose the time frame from 7:30 to 8:00 as the target. So near 6:45 AM as...
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Sep 14, 2013 - Fairbanks - Land of Midnight Sun.
After boarding the bus the driver talked about the city of Fairbanks and our next stop Pioneer Park. The people who live along the rivers and coastline of northern Alaska are predominately Native American- Yup'ik, Inupiat, and Athabascan. For most of them, when they "come to town" they come to...
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Sep 14, 2013 - Antique Autos.
Leaving Pioneer Park our bus made its way to our next venue and adventure. The driver was speaking about the country side we were passing by. She, the driver, explained we were passing what once was the biggest dairy farm in Alaska. Creamers Field is now part of a...
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Sep 15, 2013 - Train ride to North Pole.
The second day in Fairbanks starts at the crack of dawn and this routine will continue thru the rest of week. The bus shuttle operation from Westmark to Fairbanks depot will be running from 6:00 AM - 8:00AM. An another great breakfast in the hotel dining room. The hostesses was...
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Sep 16, 2013 - Fairbanks to Denali.
It was a bright sunrise this Monday morning in Fairbanks for my last day here. Shortly we would be starting our journey on the Alaska Railroad thru the middle of this the largest state in the Union. After checking my overnight bag to be sure I had what I needed for the next...
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Sep 17, 2013 - Denali to Anchorage via Talkeentna.
Shrouded in the darkness before a gray dawn, the alarm goes off and a new day starts in Alaska. I gather my things and head out to my shuttle stop, "Bear Stop." The wait in the chilly darkness was short and no bears were heard or sighted. I boarded the shuttle to find...
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