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TrainWeb Hosted Websites Featuring
Passenger Rail Advocacy
Sorted by URL and not by title.
- ★ = Active website noted for volume & quality of information & photos.
- ☆ = Inactive website noted for archival information & photos.
- ☡ = Functioning website but exhibiting some technical problems.
- Δ = New website under construction. Might be empty of content.
- ☓ = Account, website & files to be deleted.
- Ω = Account, website & files have been deleted.
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- Arkansas Association of Railroad Passengers
Home of the Arkansas Association of Railroad Passengers.
TrainWeb.US/arkrail - Arkansas Rail
Arkansas Rail was formed in 1978 as the Arkansas Association of Railroad Passengers, for the purpose of developing political support to preserve rail passenger service in Arkansas and northeast Texas...
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- Citizen Advocates for Rail Service
- Citizens for Efficient Mass Transit
- ☆☆☆ Friends Of Amtrak
- ★★★ Friends 4 Expo Transit
 | - Friends 4 Expo Transit
An all-volunteer group of citizens joined together to support an alternative to Los Angeles' world-record traffic: a fast, comfortable, safe, quiet, exhaust-free, high-capacity light rail transit line (The Expo Line) - with landscaping and bike path - from downtown L.A. to Santa Monica...
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- ☆ The New InterRail
TrainWeb.US/interrail - The New InterRail
An all volunteer organization dedicated to educating the public, promoting, and improving rail passenger service in the Mountain West, and creating a more balanced transportation network. Parts of the country covered: Utah, Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming...
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- ★ KenRail
- ☆ K.L.R.A. - Kentucky Indiana Rail Advocates
- ☆ New Mexico Rail Passenger Alliance
- ★ ProRail Nebraska
 | - ProRail Nebraska
Nebraska's Association of Railroad Passenger and Supporters, a not-for-profit organization founded to inform the citizens of Nebraska about the benefits of railroads and to promote balanced, efficient transportation - both freight and passenger - in Nebraska and the Nation. As an independent state affiliate of NARP...
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- ★ Sunset Friends
 | - Sunset Friends.
Amtrak's Sunset Limited (Amtrak Trains 1 and 2) is one of America's oldest passenger train routes. Originally developed by the Southern Pacific Railroad in the 19th Centrury, the Sunset has spanned the Sun Belt since before that name became popular, connecting...
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- ☆ WashARP - Archive Site of All Aboard Washington!
Additional Passenger Rail Advocacy Organizations can be found at:
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