Are you having problems viewing the photographs on the TrainWeb web site?
sets of photographs and
individual large photograph images have been viewed at TrainWeb since August of 1998.
First, make sure that the URL of the web site that you are viewing is "" and NOT "". If you were visiting "", then you are at the wrong URL. "" once served as a "behind the scenes" backup of the TrainWeb web pages. The URL at "simplenet" was not suppose to be announced to the general public as it was just a temporary backup site. Somehow, that URL did end up in some of the search engines and visitors do find their way to those pages which are now obsolete and show a broken graphic in place of most of the photographs. If the URL that you are viewing contains the word "simplenet", then click here to go to now and make note of our correct URL of for future reference. If you wish to go directly to the photographs as TrainWeb, click here to go to
Viewing normal photographs at TrainWeb does not require any special software nor browser plug-ins. You should be able to view the photographs using almost any version of almost any web browser including Netscape and Internet Explorer. If you wish to view any of the ".mpg" video clips at TrainWeb, you should not need any special software if you are using the most recent version of Netscape or Internet Explorer. If you wish to view the special 360 x 360 Ipix immersion photos, you will need a special plug-in from Ipix (see: However, attempting to view any Ipix photo should start a procedure that will automatically download and install the required software with very little intervention from you. If you have any difficulty viewing the Ipix photos available at TrainWeb, then first go to the Ipix web site at and attempt to view a 360x360 immersion photograph at the Ipix web site. You can contact Ipix directly on their web site if you have difficulty viewing the Ipix images. They can provide technical support and help you to view their Ipix images. Once you are able to view the Ipix images on the Ipix web site, you will be able to view the Ipix images on the TrainWeb web site.
If you still have difficulty viewing normal photographs at TrainWeb, click here to let me know. As you can see from the above numbers, tens of thousands of photographs have been viewed at TrainWeb. Thus, we know that most people are able to view the photographs posted to our web server without any problems. In your e-mail, please let me know the exact URL of the photograph or set of photographs that you are attempting to view. That may help me to diagnose the problem.