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TrainWeb Hosted Websites
Featuring N Scale Model Trains

Sorted by URL and not by title.

  1. ☆ AM Express N Scale Model Railroad Club

  2. www.trainweb.US/amexpressnscale - AM Express N Scale Model Railroad Club Located in Miami, Florida. Heartland Central Railroad club layout, layout photos, layout construction, scenery construction, club history, N scale links, e-mail comments, Kokomo River. Featured in Jan-Feb 2000 N-Scale Magazine... Read More>>

  3. ★ Berryville & Summit Point Railway

  4. - Berryville & Summit Point Railway The building of the B&SP is for my enjoyment and eventually for the enjoyment of friends when invited to operation sessions... Read More>>

  5. ★ Cambridge Model Railroad Club

  6. - Cambridge Model Railroad Club Formed in November 1975, the purpose of the club is to promote model railroading and to encourage its members to develop their modeling skills and to support the NMRA (National Model Railroad Association)... Read More>>

  7. ☆ Pennsylvania Railroad Central Region 1940-1949

  8. www.trainweb.US/centreg - Title Dedicated to the PRR in western New York, western Pennsylvania, eastern Ohio, and the West Virginia Panhandle... Read More>>

  9. ★★★ Erin Mills Model Railroad Association

  10. - Erin Mills Model Railroad Association Mississauga, Ontario, Canada - Formed in May 1980 as a club to encourage and promote model railroading. The club includes two active groups based on portable modular layouts, one for HO scale and one for N scale. These layouts are assembled at... Read More>>

  11. ☆ Riding The Rails... in Connecticut and around the World

  12. www.trainweb.US/enfieldrailfan - Riding The Rails... in Connecticut and around the World is an N scale model train display (by an Enfield Rail Fan) at The Enfield Public Library (Central Library Branch)... Read More>>

  13. ★ Edmonton Society of Model Railroad Engineers

  14. - Edmonton Society of Model Railroad Engineers These displays show railroading and model railroading in all its glory, from early steam to modern high power diesels... Read More>>

  15. Modeling the SP in N

  16. www.trainweb.US/ESPEE - Modeling the SP in N I currently model the Southern Pacific from 1990-1996. I also model the SSW and DRGW which were all part of the SP during this time period... Read More>>

  17. ★★★ East Valley Lines

  18. - East Valley Lines Welcome to the Los Angeles N-Scale Association, operators of East Valley Lines Model Railroad located in the Travel Town Museum at Griffith Park. We operate one of the largest N-Scale layouts in the world. This is just a brief trip on... Read More>>

  19. ★ Elkhart Model Railroad Club

  20. - Elkhart Model Railroad Club Visit the Elkhart Model Railroad Club and see our HO & N-scale pikes. We sure do have a lot of fun at the railroad club... Read More>>

  21. ★ Prototypes for N scale passenger cars

  22. - Prototypes for N scale passenger cars Each part is 1-2 megabytes of text, models and matching prototype photos. I suggest reading the introduction (purpose) in part 1 first... Read More>>

  23. ★ Gateway N-Trak

  24. - Gateway N-Trak An N Scale club based in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area. Founded in 2000 we have the most animated N-SCALE / NTRAK modules in the St. Louis area. Home of the infamous Tornado Module... Read More>>

  25. ☆ Goldsboro Area Model Railroad Club, Inc

  26. www.trainweb.US/goldsbororrclub - Goldsboro Area Model Railroad Club, Inc. Come and take a ride with us along the route through the North Carolina countryside past farms, houses, and the various industries along the way... Read More>>

  27. ★ Kansas Central Model Railroaders

  28. - Kansas Central Model Railroaders We are a train club based in Hutchinson, Kansas. We draw our members from the surrounding area as well as membership from other communities. We are a dual scale club with members having HO and N scale... Read More>>

  29. ☆ Langley, Richardson & Borrowers RR

  30. www.trainweb.US/lrbrailroad - Langley, Richardson & Borrowers RR A long long time ago in a place far away from the real world the LR&B was born. No wait that was something else entirely. I was given a N scale Model train set for Christmas in 2000. Until then my railroading was done in the local club at the Wilmington Railroad Museum. This club was sadly to say only HO and the O scale layout... Read More>>

  31. ★ The Military Society of Model Railroad Engineers

  32. - The Military Society of Model Railroad Engineers We welcome you to the miniature world of the North Star Railroads. Our Mission: To create miniature railroad environments, teach others about the hobby, and have fun... Read More>>

  33. ★ N-Gauge Trolleys and Trains, A Guide to Models Produced

  34. - N-Gauge Trolleys and Trains, A Guide to Models Produced. Trolleys are electric streetcars and... Read More>>

  35. ☆ North Texas T-Trak Modular Railroad Club

  36. www.trainweb.US/ntxttrak - North Texas T-Trak Modular Railroad Club Our N-scale based layout closely follows the national T-Trak modular system. If this system is new to you, we encourage you to visit both and the "Unofficial T-Trak Handbook" at to learn more. As you read about this innovative modular system, please keep in mind that we follow the 33mm or... Read More>>

  37. ☆ N.Y.C. Rail

  38. www.trainweb.US/nycrail - N.Y.C. Rail A web site dedicated to railroading in New York City and the surrounding area. Information and photos are provided on the railroads that serve it, the locomotives they use, and HO scale modeling info... Read More>>

  39. ★ Orlando N-trak Club

  40. - Orlando N-trak Club In our 30x60 foot train room we operate 2 seperate N-scale and HO scale layouts and an N-scale traveling layout based off of the CSX-FEC line from Jacksonville to Folkston... Read More>>

  41. ☆ The Preston Model Railway Society (PMRS)

  42. www.trainweb.US/pmrs - The Preston Model Railway Society (PMRS) We are a model train club located in Kitchener, Ontario founded in 1977 with both HO and N scale layouts Where the purpose of Model Railroading is having fun... Read More>>

  43. ☆ Peninsula Ntrak

  44. www.trainweb.US/pntrak - Peninsula Ntrak We are an Ntrak Model Railroad club in the San Francisco Bay area of California. Since 1991 we have been doing mostly local shows but many of our members have traveled with their modules to conventions all up and down the west coast. We use the most basic Ntrak standard, The red, yellow, and... Read More>>

  45. ☆ Norfolk Southern Pocahontas Division In N-Scale

  46. www.trainweb.US/pocahontas - Norfolk Southern Pocahontas Division in N-Scale This site serves as an introduction to two of my passions, n-scale model railroading and the Norfolk Southern railroad, and its pre-merger roads: the N&W, Southern, NKP, Wabash, Virginian and... Read More>>

  47. ★ Red River Railroad, Texas - Oklahoma

  48. - Red River Railroad, Texas - Oklahoma Formed in 1982 the club has built and maintained several layouts through the years. Our main goal is to maintain an active club and promote the hobby with regular working and operating sessions that are open to anyone. The club has interest in several scales, but HO and N scale are the most popular scale for... Read More>>

  49. ★ Shady Valley Branch

  50. - Shady Valley Branch. Pennsylvania Railroad - Shady Valley Branch - N Scale Model Railroad. History, operation, layout, control, electrical, structures, forms, pictures, updates, work bench and about me... Read More>>

  51. ★ South Hampton Roads N-TRAK

  52. - South Hampton Roads N-TRAK. South Hampton Roads N-TRAK is an N scale modular model railroading club meeting in the southeast region of Virginia USA. Visitors are welcome at... Read More>>

  53. ☆ Slidell N-Scale

  54. www.trainweb.US/slidellnscale - Slidell N-Scale. The DSA&J Railroad is a fictitious railroad with headquarters in Southeastern Louisiana. This is a freelance railroad that does not adhere to any particular time period or railroad prototype. My fascination with trains started long time ago. When I was about 9 or 10... Read More>>

  55. ☆ St. Louis T-Trak

  56. www.trainweb.US/stlttrak - St. Louis T-Trak St. Louis T-Trak is a model railroad club that has modules built to the N-Scale T-Trak specification. We setup our modules multiple times a year in and around the St. Louis, Missouri area. Our main focus is to promote the hobby of model railroading... Read More>>

  57. ★ Sussex County Railroad Club

  58. - Sussex County Railroad Club. Since 1975, a group of railroad enthusiasts, both prototypical and model. Photos of club outings featured on the website. Informal monthly meetings feature slide or video presentations, snacks, general... Read More>>

  59. The Susquehanna Valley System

  60. www.trainweb.US/svs - The Susquehanna Valley System. An N-Scale Model Railroad empire. The Susquehanna Valley System is a mostly free-lanced N-scale model railroad based on a network of railroads that once served Central/Northeastern Pennsylvania and... Read More>>

  61. ★ Titusville Area Model Railroad Club

  62. - Titusville Area Model Railroad Club We are a club devoted to Model Railroading and the promotion of the hobby. Stop back often to see how we have progressed. In the meantime, check out the following facts about our Club and who we are. All ages are welcome... Read More>>

  63. ★ Tuolumne & Sierra Foothill Railroad

  64. - Tuolumne & Sierra Foothill Railroad The T&SF is a freelance short line N scale model railroad loosely based on the Sierra Railway prototype which operates out of Jamestown in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains, in the heart of California's Gold Country... Read More>>

  65. ★ Tomix / EasyTrolley Modeler's Website

  66. - Tomix / EasyTrolley Modeler's Website With T-Trak for Trolleys. A repository for information in English about the Tomix model railway product line of Tomy of Japan. It has no commercial connection to Tomy or Tomix, and exists for the benefit of railway modelers who are interested in, or are... Read More>>

  67. ☆ T-Trak Mailing List

  68. www.trainweb.US/ttraklist - T-Trak Mailing List A frequently asked question is, "What are some good books for a beginner or novice?" Here is a short list of what many consider to be the best choices and all are dedicated to N Scale... Read More>>

  69. ☆ Kentuckiana Society of N-Scale T-Trak Division

  70. www.trainweb.US/ttraklouky - Kentuckiana Society of N-Scale T-Trak Division. The division was formed in 2007 as a means to expand the showcase of N scale modular model railroading. The "T" in T-Trak can mean a lot of things: Trams, Trolleys, Two Track, and Table Top. For our group, the T means Two Track and Table Top. The purpose of... Read More>>

  71. ☆ Windsor Modular Railroad Club

  72. www.trainweb.US/wmrc - Windsor Modular Railroad Club Dozens of photos of modular railroads including trains, layouts, train shows, and links to major railroads, railfan web sites and model railroad resources... Read More>>

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