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TrainWeb Hosted Websites Featuring
Modular Railroads
Sorted by URL and not by title.
- ★ = Active website noted for volume & quality of information & photos.
- ☆ = Inactive website noted for archival information & photos.
- ☡ = Functioning website but exhibiting some technical problems.
- Δ = New website under construction. Might be empty of content.
- ☓ = Account, website & files to be deleted.
- Ω = Account, website & files have been deleted.
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- ★ '20s, '30s & Beyond Modular Model Railroad
- ☡ Abilene Society of Model Railroaders
Model Railroad Club In Abilene Texas
- Ammonoosuc Valley Railway Association
Operates HO and scale O gauge modular layouts at shows in Northern NH.
- Baltimore Area American Flyer Club
An American Flyer club focused on the mid-Atlantic region.
- ★★ Scenic Line Modelers, Inc
- ★★★ Erin Mills Model Railroad Association
- ☆ Free-mo SLO
- ☆ Southern Kansas Free-mo
TrainWeb.US/freemosoks - Southern Kansas Free-mo
Several model railroaders that are contributing and building modules to the U.S. Free-mo Standards. This group is made of modelers with different backgrounds who share a common interest in building and operating prototypical models...
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- ☆ Indy FREEMO Modular Railroad Group
TrainWeb.US/indyfreemo - Indy FREEMO Modular Railroad Club
FREEMO is for modelers who enjoy creating protypical scenes and operational layouts. It is possible to have a much larger layout to run your trains on then you might have the time, space or money to build all by yourself. If you get tired of a scene, sell it or give it to someone else and build something new...
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- ★ James Valley Model Railroad Association
 | - James Valley Model Railroad Association
The purpose of the association is to increase the knowledge of the fundamental principles and techniques of model railroading, to increase the interest in model railroading in the community and surrounding areas and, to introduce the youth of Aberdeen and the surrounding communities to the history of railroads and promote the enjoyment of model railroading...
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- ★ Loose Ties Model Railroad Club
- ☆ Manhattan Area Rail Joiners Association
- ★ Miami Valley S Gaugers
 | - Miami Valley S Gaugers
An active S gauge modular club serving the Southwest Ohio area. The group currently has around 35 members, both AF collectors and operators, and S scale modelers. There are usually about 12 attending any given meeting...
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- ★ Narragansett Bay Railway and Navigation Company
- ☆ AR-NMRA Module Special Interest Group
- ☆ North Texas Free-mo
- ☆ North Texas T-Trak Modular Railroad Club
TrainWeb.US/ntxttrak - North Texas T-Trak Modular Railroad Club
Our N-scale based layout closely follows the national T-Trak modular system. If this system is new to you, we encourage you to visit both and the "Unofficial T-Trak Handbook" at to learn more. As you read about this innovative modular system, please keep in mind that we follow the 33mm or...
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- ★ Orange County Module Railroaders Inc.
- ☆ Ohio Valley Freemo
TrainWeb.US/ohiovalleyfreemo - Ohio Valley Freemo
Ohio Valley Free-mo is an HO scale model railroad group that was established in October of 2003 by people with an interest in the Free-mo method of module building and operations. The group is small with members in areas of southwestern Ohio and northern Kentucky...
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- ★ Oklahoma Free-mo
 | - Title
Free-mo continues to grow in the Southern Plains, including here in Oklahoma. New modules are under construction, and group members have been participating in recent joint setups with groups in Texas and Kansas. We are looking forward to setting up with large multi-group...
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- ★ Spokane, Portland & Seattle - The Oregon Trunk
- ★ ★ ★ Piedmont Railroaders
 | - Piedmont Railroaders
Founded In Warrenton, Virginia in February 1995 as an organization for railroad enthusiasts of all ages, and to provide a place where the members could share their individual interests in railroading. Promoting all aspects of the hobby from railfanning to history to prototype equipment restoration and preservation to model railroading, we endeavor to create a common bond among our member's varied interests. The Club supports various community activities by participating in public train shows, and town-sponsored railroad festivals. We are the creators of the Civil War Train Display built for...
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- ★ Red River Railroad, Texas - Oklahoma
 | - Red River Railroad, Texas - Oklahoma
Formed in 1982 the club has built and maintained several layouts through the years. Our main goal is to maintain an active club and promote the hobby with regular working and operating sessions that are open to anyone. The club has interest in several scales, but HO and N scale are the most popular scale for...
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- ☆ SEK Free-mo
TrainWeb.US/sek-mo - SEK Free-mo.
Welcome to the South East Kansas Free-mo! SEK-mo is a modular group who are building modules to the U.S. Free-mo Standards. The Free-mo Concept was developed with the idea of building modules to operate prototypically, and not to run in a circle. Module owners now can...
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- ☆ St. Louis T-Trak
TrainWeb.US/stlttrak - St. Louis T-Trak
St. Louis T-Trak is a model railroad club that has modules built to the N-Scale T-Trak specification. We setup our modules multiple times a year in and around the St. Louis, Missouri area. Our main focus is to promote the hobby of model railroading...
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- ★ Sussex County Railroad Club
- ★ The sHOw Modular Model Railroad Club
- ☆ Tobacco Valley Railroad Modular Railroad Layout
- ☆ Windsor Modular Railroad Club
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