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TrainWeb Hosted Websites
Featuring Locomotives
including Photos

Sorted by URL and not by title.

  1. ☆ LIRR Abandoned Spurs

  2. TrainWeb.US/AbandonedLIRR - LIRR Abandoned Spurs. Past, Present and Future of the Vast Network of Abandoned LIRR Stations, Spurs, and Anything related. Featured are the Calverton Naval Weapons Reserve, the Insane Asylum Spurs, Private Freight Sidings, Roadside Remnants, NY Cross Harbor Railroad, and more... Read More>>

  3. ☆ Across the West

  4. TrainWeb.US/acrossthewest - Across the West. Railfan Photography & Resources - a showcase of beautiful scenery across the West and the trains you see there... Read More>>

  5. ★★★ Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Class R-1 4-8-4's the "Eighteen-hundreds"

  6. - Atlantic Coast Line Class R-1 4-8-4's the "Eighteen-hundreds". An overview of some of my favorite steam locomotives used in the U.S. The ACL R-1's were built in 1938 by the... Read More>>

  7. ☆ Alco Serial Records

  8. TrainWeb.US/alco - Alco Serial Records Several extensive and somewhat detailed lists of Alco construction numbers, from 1917 to the end of production. A feature unique to this site... Read More>>

  9. ★★★ Algoma Central Railfan & Modeling Site

  10. - Algoma Central Railway (ACR) Railfan and Modelling Site The ACR runs 296 miles throughout relatively untouched northern Ontario wilderness from Sault Ste. Marie to Hearst, Ontario and 26 miles from the division point at Hawk Junction, Ontario, to Michipicoten Harbour on... Read More>>

  11. ★★★ Amtrak Photo Archive by Geno Dailey
    Geno Dailey's Amtrak Photo Archive. A collection of Amtrak photos and travelogues from beautiful Upstate New York and Across America.

  12. - Amtrak Photo Archive by Geno Dailey A collection of Amtrak photos and travelogues from beautiful Upstate New York and Across America... Read More>>

  13. ★ Bluemont Branch
    Southern Railway & Predecessor Railroads.

  14. - Bluemont Branch - Southern Railway & Predecessor Railroads. From 1847 until 1968 there was a railroad that ran across several counties in Northern Virginia from Washington and Alexandria out to the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Hopes were high that this railroad would restore Alexandria's former position as a major shipping port on... Read More>>

  15. ★★★ Bob's RR Pix

  16. - Bob's RR Pix Dozens of photos and information of steam locomotives... Read More>>

  17. ★ ☡ Class 40 Appeal

  18. - Class 40 Appeal Class 40 Appeal was founded in 1985 by a group of enthusiasts, determined to try and save an English Electric Type 4 (BR Class 40) locomotive, restore her to full working order and operate the loco on one of Britain's preserved railways... Read More>>

  19. Chessie System Photo Archive

  20. TrainWeb.US/chessieorg - Chessie System Photo Archive Photos of Chessie System Locomotives, Chessie System Cabooses, Current Chessie Equipment and CSXified Equipment... Read More>>

  21. ☆☆☆ CPR Diesel Roster

  22. TrainWeb.US/cprdieselroster - CPR Diesel Roster Hundreds of Canadian Pacific Railroad locomotive photos. Wilco van Schoonhoven wanted to retire after 20 years effort to bring you this great Canadian Pacific Railroad Roster website. Old Time Trains owner R.L.Kennedy took over this website and... Read More>>

  23. ★★ Delaware & Northern Railroad

  24. - Delaware & Northern Railroad (D&N) The D&N was a 37-mile long pike that operated between East Branch and Arkville, NY. Originally chartered as the Delaware & Eastern Railroad in 1904, it was... Read More>>

  25. ☆ The UNofficial EMD Homepage

  26. TrainWeb.US/emdloco - The UNofficial EMD Homepage The purpose of this space is to catalog the locomotives built by EMD... Read More>>

  27. ★ Golden Spike Chapter, Railway & Locomotive Historical Society

  28. - Golden Spike Chapter, Railway & Locomotive Historical Society is part of the national organization Railway & Locomotive Historical Society. The current major project of the GSR&LHS is the restoration of D&RGW #223... Read More>>

  29. ★ Georgia Society of Ferroequinologists

  30. - Georgia Society of Ferroequinologists a railroading club organized to discuss and enjoy railroading and trains, from prototype to models, in a social environment. It is a family club, with ALL members of a family welcome to participate... Read More>>

  31. ☆ Helm-Is-Cool

  32. TrainWeb.US/helm-is-cool - Helm-Is-Cool I started this site to show off my leasing company locomotives, which I have a good number of. I even have some that aren't developed as of yet, but that will be solved one of these days :)... Read More>>

  33. ☆ Railroad Pictures From Tuscaloosa, Alabama and Beyond

  34. TrainWeb.US/hotrail - Railroad Pictures From Tuscaloosa, Alabama and Beyond This site contains a couple of pages devoted to photographs and descriptions of trains from in, arround, and even far from, Tuscaloosa, Alabama... Read More>>

  35. ☆ Hocking Valley Scenic Railway

  36. - Hocking Valley Scenic Railway Photos Of The Hocking Valley Scenic Railway Equipment Register... Read More>>

  37. ☆ HydroRail - Rails along the Fraser River

  38. - HydroRail Rails along the Fraser River. This site is dedicated to exploring and preserving the history of the British Columbia Hydro & Power Authority Railway (BC Hydro Railway, BCH) and its successor, the Southern Railway of British Columbia (SRY)... Read More>>

  39. ☆ In Steam - Photographs of Working Steam Locomotives

  40. TrainWeb.US/insteam - In Steam Photographs of Working Steam Locomotives. A collection of photographs of working steam locomotives taken over a period of some 40 years... Read More>>

  41. ★ CNR Locomotive 6167

  42. - CNR Locomotive Fencing and Security Around Locomotive 6167 in Guelph, Ontario. Should a Fence Be Constructed Around The Recently Restored Locomotive 6167?... Read More>>

  43. ★ Diesel Locomotive Rosters

  44. - Diesel Locomotive Rosters This is a list of various diesel rosters compiled on the Diesel Modeler's Mailing List. I began some of these lists myself; lists begun by others are so identified... Read More>>

  45. King Rails

  46. - King Rails Photos of various locomotives... Read More>>

  47. ☆ Kjellgesen's Rail Pictures

  48. TrainWeb.US/kjellsrailpix - Kjellgesen's Rail Pictures Pictures of Norwegian locomotives, rolling stock and stations including Steam, Diesel, and Electric locomotives... Read More>>

  49. ★ Keokuk Junction Railway

  50. - Keokuk Junction Railway Farewell to the KJRY - In January of 1996, I received a phone call from my friend Chris Rose, traffic manager of the Keokuk Junction Railway. The KJ's been sold, she said... Read More>>

  51. ☆ Locotren

  52. TrainWeb.US/locotren - Locotren Pictures of Utah's Ogden Union Station 4-8-4 Steam Locomotive... Read More>>

  53. ☆ Locomotives: Software for Study and Work

  54. TrainWeb.US/locsoft - Locomotives: Software for Study and Work Information about software products, which are used for training and work in different railroad educational organizations and enterprises... Read More>>

  55. ★ New Zealand Logging Locomotives

  56. - New Zealand Logging Locomotives Locomotives, other than New Zealand designed geared locos (refer New Zealand Geared Locomotives), that were used on the bush tramways in New Zealand... Read More>>

  57. ☆ L. Risen

  58. TrainWeb.US/lrisen - L. Risen I wanted to build a train and wanted a steamer, a bigboy. Every one says "build something smaller, then build a bigger one". Well if I am going to spend 10 years building something and then have to start over just sounded counter productive. So here is my story... Read More>>

  59. ★ McCloud Rails

  60. - McCloud Rails This website seeks to document the life and times of the rail lines owned and operated by three principle companies in the life of McCloud, the McCloud River Lumber Company, the McCloud River Railroad Company, and the McCloud Railway Company... Read More>>

  61. ★★★ MickFix Rail

  62. - MickFix Rail A tremendous number of photographs of train sightings in Australia including photos of many locomotives from 2006 to present... Read More>>

  63. ☆ Mid-Atlantic & Midwestern Rail Photos & Info

  64. TrainWeb.US/midrail - Mid-Atlantic & Midwestern Rail Photos & Info Photos & Info from the Mid-Atlantic, Wisconsin, Chicagoland, and St. Louis Gateway regions... Read More>>

  65. ☆ Mid-West Rails

  66. TrainWeb.US/midwestrails - Mid-West Rails The Kansas City area is a great place to be a railfan. Several of the major railroads have maintainence facilities and heavily used mainlines through the area. On this site, you will see not only photographs of the real thing but also pictures from the model railroad hobby as well... Read More>>

  67. ☆ Mikey's Train Pix

  68. TrainWeb.US/mikeystrainpix - Mikey's Train Pix I take train pics of just about anything in Philadelphia and the Philadelphia area (with my tolerance of traveling, that covers a lot of area)... Read More>>

  69. ★ Mile Post 51 N.Y. Railroad Memorabilia

  70. - N.Y. Railroad Memorabilia This website showcases my interests in collecting railroad emphera, exonumia and memorabilia from the following topics: Railroads that operated in the... Read More>>

  71. ☆ Milwaukee Road Online

  72. - Milwaukee Road Online A Historical look at America's Resourceful Railroad... Read More>>

  73. ☆ Missouri Pacific Lines

  74. TrainWeb.US/mopac - Missouri Pacific Lines This web page has Missouri Pacific related pictures. Click on the links to view the photos. All photos are taken by me, Tom Stolte, except as noted... Read More>>

  75. ☆ Miami Valley Railfans

  76. - Miami Valley Railfans A loose knit group of railfans that meets the second Saturday of the month from November to June. 18 pages of Chessie, Conrail, CSX, Norfolk Southern and other locomotive photos from 1930 to 2010... Read More>>

  77. ☆ Chuck's Train Page

  78. TrainWeb.US/n1spx - Chuck's Train Page Photos of a lot of locomotives including CN, EMD, EMDX, FECX, KCS, NS, SN, SSW, WP, GWR, OMLX, UP, SP plus many freight cars including ATSF, BN, BNSF, CHTT, CNW, DRGW, MP, UP, UPP, Soo Hoppers and MOW equipment... Read More>>

  79. ☆ North Carolina Railfan Website

  80. TrainWeb.US/ncrail - North Carolina Railfan Website Photographs of CSX, NS, NW, SBD, SOU and other locomotives... Read More>>

  81. ☆ N.Y.C. Rail

  82. TrainWeb.US/nycrail - N.Y.C. Rail A web site dedicated to railroading in New York City and the surrounding area. Information and photos are provided on the railroads that serve it, the locomotives they use, and HO scale modeling info... Read More>>

  83. ☆ New Zealand Geared Locomotives

  84. TrainWeb.US/nzgearedlocomotives - New Zealand Geared Locomotives This site is dedicated to preserving the history of the geared locomotives that were designed and built in New Zealand for its bush tramways... Read More>>

  85. ★ New Zealand Railways Steam Locomotives

  86. - New Zealand Railways Steam Locomotives This site portrays the locomotives that were used on the New Zealand Railways network. The period covered is from 1870 until 28 October 1971 when the last steam locomotive dropped its fire and was withdrawn from service... Read More>>

  87. ☆☆☆ Oaks Model Railroad Club 1994-2002

  88. TrainWeb.US/oaksmodelrr - Oaks Model Railroad Club 1994-2002 Extensive photo gallery and movie archive of Amtrak, CSX, Norfolk Southern and other railroad locomotives and equipment plus model railroad layout, links and library... Read More>>

  89. ☆ OCtrainguy's Railroad Photography

  90. TrainWeb.US/octrainguy - OCtrainguy's Railroad Photography Photographs of locomotives and trains in New Jersey and Pennsylvania including Acela and other Amtrak trains, CSX, Norfolk Southern, Conrail Shared Assets, and New Jersey Transit... Read More>>

  91. ☆ A RailWay In Northern Utah

  92. TrainWeb.US/ogdensub - A RailWay In Northern Utah Railfanning the RailWay In Northern Utah can be done from Public Roads, Trespassing is not encouraged. Most of the Rail line can be seen from the highways... Read More>>

  93. ★ Old Time Trains

  94. - Old Time Trains Canadian Railway History and Stories - Preserving Our Railway Heritage. The road to knowledge begins with the turn of the page. Formed in May 1967 by R.L.Kennedy as successor to RAILFANS UNLIMITED. At this time a new direction was taken, whereas previously steam excursions were the main activity (along with a small newsletter covering C.P.R. Toronto motive power), interest now turned to preservation... Read More>>

  95. ☆ O.N.-Rail(fan)

  96. TrainWeb.US/onrailfan - O.N.-Rail(fan) This site features Ontario National as well as Canadian railways in general. Hundreds of photos are posted of locomotives, freight cars, MOW equipment and even VIA Rail trains and stations... Read More>>

  97. ☆ RailLink Photo Archives

  98. - RailLink Photo Archives A gallery of photos of RaiLink locomotives and trains from Ottawa Valley, and Southern Ontario, Central Western, plus a RaiLink Screen Saver... Read More>>

  99. ☆ Philadelphia Bethlehem and New England

  100. TrainWeb.US/pbne - Philadelphia Bethlehem and New England Dedicated to the memory of Bethlehem Steel's in-plant Railroad. This site is by Phil Baggley who models the PBNE in HO (1:87) scale. The material on this site is from my own collection but I owe an enormous debt to... Read More>>

  101. ☆ Preserved Locomotive Enthusiasts Group (PLEG)

  102. TrainWeb.US/pleg - Preserved Locomotive Enthusiasts Group (PLEG) was formally set up in 2003, though the Policy Group members of the group have been working together to bring you opportunities to travel behind the rarer UK preserved locomotives since 2001... Read More>>

  103. ★ Rahway Valley Railroad (RVRR)

  104. - Rahway Valley Railroad (RVRR) Chronicles 95 years of history. Here you will find a story of... Read More>>

  105. ☆ Mike Raia's Photographs

  106. TrainWeb.US/raiaphotos - Mike Raia's Photographs This website was created to display some of the pictures I have taken over the years including the Ohio Central Photographer's special in 2002, Canadian Pacific in the Canadian Rockies in 2002, Duluth, Eire Mining in the late 90's and 2004, Algoma Central, Soo Line 2-8-2 #1003 photo charter in 2004, Santa Fe 3751 photo charter in 2002, EBT Photo Trip in 2005, 2816 Photo Charter in 2006, and Canadian Pacific Division Street Job... Read More>>

  107. ☆☆☆ Ohio Rails

  108. TrainWeb.US/railmaster - Ohio Rails Photos around Ohio of Conrail, CSX, Hocking Valley Scenic Railway, Indiana & Ohio Railway, Maintenance Of Way, Norfolk Southern, Ohio Central, Steam Locomotives and other historical rail photos. Also audio recordings, radio frequencies, locomotive rosters and more... Read More>>

  109. ★★★ RailPhot

  110. - RailPhot Pierre-Noel Rietsch's Website for the friends of the swiss and european railways. Thousands of photographs and other information about locomotives, trains and railways from 1978 to the present. Text in French, German and English... Read More>>

  111. ☆ LCSO's RailPics

  112. TrainWeb.US/railpics - LCSO's RailPics Foaming in the Great Northwest. Here you'll find the best pictures of my vast collection now estimated at 2000 pictures of trains... Read More>>

  113. ★★★ GO Transit Motive Power Website

  114. - GO Transit Motive Power Website GO Transit F59PH History, Under the Hoods, F59PH Diagrams, Where are the F59s now?, Locomotive Roster Stats, F59PH Photo Gallery and more... Read More>>

  115. ☆☆☆ Randy's Railroads

  116. TrainWeb.US/randysrr - Randy's Railroads Thousands of photographs from my collection. I took approximately 15,000 slides of northeast railroads in the early 80's. There is also a large selection of Western Maryland photos from my collection including early diesel and late steam... Read More>>

  117. ★ Re2

  118. - Re2 Dozens of photos of Swiss engines types Re 4\4" and Re 4\4". Text provided in French, German and English... Read More>>

  119. ☆ Riverview & Twin Lakes Railroad

  120. TrainWeb.US/riverview - Riverview & Twin Lakes Railroad A 15" gauge 3"=1' scale layout with over 5300's of track located near Riverton Wyoming. Web site features layout plan, track construction method, rail design & fabrication, foundry casting, locomotive &... Read More>>

  121. ★ Golden Spike Chapter, Railway & Locomotive Historical Society

  122. - Golden Spike Chapter, Railway & Locomotive Historical Society is part of the national organization Railway & Locomotive Historical Society. We generally meet every 3rd Saturday - see website for date, time and place. Besides our major project restoring the D&RGW #223, we work closely with the Ogden Union Station Foundation in their efforts to operate and maintain the Utah State Railroad Museum... Read More>>

  123. ★ Class III Shortlines

  124. - Class III Shortlines Welcome to CLASS III Shortlines, a locomotive roster and photo site for the shortlines in the western half of Canada and US. Select a state or province to see which rosters are available... Read More>>

  125. ☆ Richard's Railroad Page

  126. TrainWeb.US/rszx - Richard's Railroad Page. I am no expert on railroads or railroad safety, but can speak based on my 20 plus years of experience watching trains. Based on my being witness to or reading about the dangers of railroading and train watching, I have become big on railroad safety and educating the fellow railfan on how to be safe while watching trains... Read More>>

  127. ★ Ryan's Rails

  128. - Ryan's Rails. Exploring all sorts of railroads and rolling stock, past and present. A website dedicated to my adventures chasing, cataloging, and filming trains including my railroad museum recommendations... Read More>>

  129. ★ SAR & CR Railways

  130. - SAR & CR Railways. A website dedicated to modeling the South Australian Railways (SAR) and the Commonwealth Railways of Australia (CR). These two railway systems serviced some of the remotest areas of Australia and employed a diverse range of... Read More>>

  131. ☆☆☆ Screaming Eagles

  132. TrainWeb.US/screamingeagle - Screaming Eagles. Missouri Pacific Railway. A huge collection of photos of Steam Engines, Switchers & Slugs, 1940's Streamlines, 1940's-1970's EMD Power, 1980's Post Merger Power, Rolling Stock, plus much much more... Read More>>

  133. ☆ South-Central Wisconsin Railroad Page

  134. TrainWeb.US/scwrail - South-Central Wisconsin Railroad Page. Operations of the Wisconsin & Southern Railroad in and around Janesville, Wisconsin, including news and events, photo gallery, railroad information and links... Read More>>

  135. San Jose Turn

  136. TrainWeb.US/sjt - San Jose Turn. Photograph of a historic diesel locomotive at the San Jose Turn... Read More>>

  137. ☆ SoCalRail

  138. TrainWeb.US/socalrail - SoCalRail. This website is a place to show off your Railroad pictures taken in the Southern California area. Photos of BNSF, Santa Fe and Union Pacific locomotives and freight trains in Southern California... Read More>>

  139. ☆ The Tennessee, Alabama & Georgia Railway

  140. TrainWeb.US/tagrailway - The Tennessee, Alabama & Georgia RailWay This site is dedicated to the history of the Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia Railway, and its rolling stock, motive power, and structures that supported a railroad that ran from Chattanooga, Tennessee, through Georgia, and into Gadsden, Alabama. The TAG ceased to exist in 1971, when it was... Read More>>

  141. ★ Tim's Canadian MSTS Locomotives List

  142. - Tim's Canadian MSTS Locomotives List Includes photos of steam, BC Rail, Canadian National, Canadian Pacific, VIA Rail Canada, O.N. Rail, Special, Electric, MSTS Links, CN Blackfoot Sub, Northwest Line and more... Read More>>

  143. ☆ T.J.'s Railroad Webpage

  144. TrainWeb.US/tjrr - T.J.'s Railroad Webpage A collection of railroad photographs that I have taken as a Railfan. Features numerous photos of Amtrak, CP Rail, CSX, Lexington & Ohio, Maintenance of Way Equipment, Norfolk Southern, TTI (TransKentucky), and Union Pacific... Read More>>

  145. ★ Houghton's RailImages

  146. - Houghton's RailImages You will find lots of railroad photography from around New England and beyond inside, so sit back and enjoy the photos! Thank you for visiting my website, Ken Houghton... Read More>>

  147. ☆☆☆ Contemporary TranzRail Photography

  148. TrainWeb.US/tranzrail - Contemporary TranzRail Photography A very extensive collection of photographs of New Zealand locomotives sorted by class including EF, DX, DFT, DC, DBR, DH, DSG/DSJ, DSC, DSA, TR, EM/ET, ADL/ADC, and Preservation/Heritage... Read More>>

  149. ★ The Ultimate Steam Page

  150. - The Ultimate Steam Page Despite their apparent demise over 40 years ago, steam locomotives continue to work productively in remote locations around the world. Numerous serious attempts have been made to bring steam locomotives back into general railway use... Read More>>

  151. ★★★ Ulster & Delaware Railroad

  152. - Ulster & Delaware Railroad "The Only All Rail Route Through The Catskills". The Ulster and Delaware Railroad (U&D) (later the Catskill Mountain Branch of the... Read More>>

  153. ★ Unadilla Valley Railway

  154. - Unadilla Valley Railway "The Dilly-Dally Line". The Unadilla Valley Railway was an interesting and colorful shortline just west of the Catskills in the scenic Unadilla Valley region. Originally called... Read More>>

  155. ☆☆☆ Rob Jacox's Western Rails

  156. TrainWeb.US/westernrails - Rob Jacox's Western Rails This is a fantastic website of photos and descriptions of hundreds of western railroads locomotives especially the shortlines of Oregon, Washington, California and British Columbia as well as others... Read More>>

  157. ☆ Westminster Station

  158. TrainWeb.US/westminsterstn - Westminster Station Photos of dozens of Canadian National (CN) & Canadian Pacific (CP) locomotives especially taken around Ontario, Canada, and the Westminster Siding plus Amtrak, BNSF, UP, CSX, NS, Alaska, Railink and others... Read More>>

  159. Wisconsin Central Railroad

  160. TrainWeb.US/wirr - Wisconsin Central Railroad Photos of the Wisconsin Centeral Railroad plus some model railroad photos... Read More>>

  161. ☆☆☆ Wisconsin Railfan Photo & Info

  162. TrainWeb.US/wisrail - Wisconsin Railfan Photo & Info Hundreds of photos of locomotives including Algoma Central, Amtrak, ATSF, BN, CN, CNW, CP, CR, CSX, DMIR, EMD, GBW, GT, SOO, SP, UP, and WC... Read More>>

  163. ★★★ Western New York Railway Historical Society

  164. - Western New York Railway Historical Society, Inc. was founded to ensure that what remains of our Railway Heritage is preserved for present and future generations. Our primary goal was achieved in... Read More>>

  165. ★★ Western Pacific F7 918-D

  166. - Western Pacific F7 918-D Many historic and current photos of the Western Pacific 918-D, an EMD F7 built in Jan 1950 powered by a 1500 horsepower 16 cylinder EMD engine restored by the Pacific Locomotive Association and... Read More>>

  167. ★★★ Mike's Western Pacific Railroad Information Site

  168. - Mike's Western Pacific Railroad Information Site A source for Western Pacific Railroad information or a path to other sites that contain Western Pacific Railroad information. This site is... Read More>>

  169. ☆☆☆ Wisconsin & Southern Railroad Fan Site

  170. TrainWeb.US/wsor - Wisconsin & Southern Railroad Fan Site Photos, Roster, Map and Links related to the Wisconsin & Southern Railroad. Photos include WSOR Es & F, Special Duty, General Purpose, Yard Switchers, Run Through/Lease Power, Rolling Stock, Structures, Vehicles and Model Railroading... Read More>>

  171. ☆☆☆ Craig Zeni's Train Photos

  172. TrainWeb.US/zeniphotos - Craig Zeni's Train Photos This is a simple gallery of my railroad photographs. Having been photographing trains on and off for 15 years, I decided that I wanted a place where I could exhibit my best or favorite photos more or... Read More>>

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