Railroad Owners and Operators,
My name is Mike Wikman. After reading the American Shortline Railway Guide and seeing for myself the complaints from the FRA, I find that training for engine and train crews is extremely important. I have seen engineers that do not know how the air brake works, how to properly start and inspect a locomotive, why flat spots occur, or what restricted speed means. How can they conduct a proper air brake test and operate a train safely and economically? They can't! You ought to hear some of the answers I get on the subject of fuel conservation! Proper training is important to safety and your bottom line. Training is put on the back burner by some shortline or class 1 railroads. Look at the Union Pacific when the FRA said training was non existent. What would an accident that is blamed on your crew cost you? How much money do you spend for fuel and how much could be saved with proper training? Think about it? I want to help you with your bottom line and I can do it. Please provide the training your employees need whether I provide the training or someone else provides it. My 45 years of experience in the railroad operating and mechanical departments (31 years in operating management) prove my qualifications. I am known as a nuts and bolt type of man who is not afraid of getting dirty. I am willing to travel anywhere anytime and stay as long as it takes (in three week increments) to complete the job. I can operate any kind of locomotive and can operate any kind of train in any kind of territory. I have trained many railroad people, both in classrooms and on the job My rates are competitive, and I assure you, you will get what you pay for. |