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TrainWeb Hosted Websites
Featuring Roster Photos

Sorted by URL and not by title.

  1. ☆ LIRR Abandoned Spurs

  2. TrainWeb.US/AbandonedLIRR - LIRR Abandoned Spurs. Past, Present and Future of the Vast Network of Abandoned LIRR Stations, Spurs, and Anything related. Featured are the Calverton Naval Weapons Reserve, the Insane Asylum Spurs, Private Freight Sidings, Roadside Remnants, NY Cross Harbor Railroad, and more... Read More>>

  3. ☆ Alco Serial Records

  4. TrainWeb.US/alco - Alco Serial Records Several extensive and somewhat detailed lists of Alco construction numbers, from 1917 to the end of production. A feature unique to this site... Read More>>

  5. ★★★ Algoma Central Railfan & Modeling Site

  6. - Algoma Central Railway (ACR) Railfan and Modelling Site The ACR runs 296 miles throughout relatively untouched northern Ontario wilderness from Sault Ste. Marie to Hearst, Ontario and 26 miles from the division point at Hawk Junction, Ontario, to Michipicoten Harbour on... Read More>>

  7. ☆ Amtrak Online - Viewliner Roster
    Photos, Viewliner information and Roster, Trip Reports and more.

  8. TrainWeb.US/amtrakonline/viewlinerroster.html - Amtrak Online Viewliner Roster Photos, Viewliner information and Roster, Trip Reports and more... Read More>>

  9. ★★★ Amtrak Locomotive & Passenger Car Close-Up Roster Photos
    Geno Dailey's Amtrak Locomotive & Passenger Car Close-Up Roster Photos

  10. locoshots/ locoshots.html - Amtrak Locomotive & Passenger Car Close-Up Roster Photos by Geno Dailey Amtrak Locomotive & Passenger Car Close-Up Roster Photos... Read More>>

  11. ★★★ The Napa Valley Wine Train Locomotive & Passenger Car Rsoter Photos

  12. 92211A/ 100211B.html - The Napa Valley Wine Train Locomotive & Passenger Car Roster Photos The Napa Valley Wine Train is an "All ALCO Railroad" in that all of its locomotives... Read More>>

  13. ☆ California Northern Railroad Roster Photo Gallery

  14. TrainWeb.US/calnorthern/photos.html - California Northern Railroad Roster Photo Gallery operates 216.3 miles of... Read More>>

  15. CGW Diesel Locomotives 1910-1998

  16. TrainWeb.US/cgw/history-bin/cgw_diesel.html - CGW Diesel Locomotives 1910-1998 Information and photos related to the Chicago Great Western Railway... Read More>>

  17. ★ Chessie System All Time Locomotive Roster

  18. - Chessie System All Time Locomotive Roster Dedicated to providing model railroading infomation specific to the Chessie System Railroads (Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad, and Western Maryland Railway). All information presented here is tailored to the Chessie Era (1972-1986)... Read More>>

  19. ☆☆☆ CPR Diesel Roster

  20. TrainWeb.US/cprdieselroster - CPR Diesel Roster Hundreds of Canadian Pacific Railroad locomotive photos. Wilco van Schoonhoven wanted to retire after 20 years effort to bring you this great Canadian Pacific Railroad Roster website. Old Time Trains owner R.L.Kennedy took over this website and... Read More>>

  21. ☆ Unofficial Crown Metal Products Fansite

  22. TrainWeb.US/crownmetalproducts - Unofficial Crown Metal Products Fansite Between 1960 and the late 1980s, Crown produced over fifty steam locomotives for the amusement park industry. The engines ranged from small 15" gauge models to full size 36" gauge 4-4-0s... Read More>>

  23. ★ CSX Photo Archives

  24. - CSX Photo Archives Over 10,000 photographs of CSX locomotives, covering every model operated by the railroad, and in every paint scheme worn by the locomotives. You can view these photos and access other information by using the menus at the top of the pages. Photos are grouped by the locomotive models and also by the paint schemes that they wore... Read More>>

  25. ★ D&D Mining & Steel

  26. - D&D Mining & Steel Serving the Steel and Mining Industry in Eastern Kentucky, an HO Model Railroad including photos of layout, construction and equipment ... Read More>>

  27. ☆☆☆ Delaware and Hudson Railroad Caboose Roster

  28. TrainWeb.US/dhvm/dhrr_caboose.htm - Delaware and Hudson Railroad Caboose Roster This "Virtual Museum" is to help preserve the complete history of "America's oldest continually operated transportation company" (Canal, Gravity Railroad, Railway {Freight & Passenger}, and Steamship) through images and data collected by D&H fans world wide... Read More>>

  29. ☆☆☆ Delaware and Hudson Railroad Diesel Engine Roster

  30. TrainWeb.US/dhvm/dhrr_diesel.htm - Delaware and Hudson Railroad Diesel Engine Roster This "Virtual Museum" is to help preserve the complete history of "America's oldest continually operated transportation company" (Canal, Gravity Railroad, Railway {Freight & Passenger}, and Steamship) through images and data collected by D&H fans world wide... Read More>>

  31. ☆☆☆ Delaware and Hudson Railroad Steam Engine Roster

  32. TrainWeb.US/dhvm/dhrr_steam.htm - Delaware and Hudson Railroad Steam Engine Roster This "Virtual Museum" is to help preserve the complete history of "America's oldest continually operated transportation company" (Canal, Gravity Railroad, Railway {Freight & Passenger}, and Steamship) through images and data collected by D&H fans world wide... Read More>>

  33. ☆☆☆ Web Lurker's DOME.main

  34. TrainWeb.US/DOMEmain - Web Lurker's DOME.main The largest collection of photographs and roster information related to domecars (dome railroad passenger cars) to be found anywhere... Read More>>

  35. ★ Northern California Shortlines Rosters

  36. - Northern California Shortlines Rosters Presently Operating Or Featured Roads plus More Northern California Shortline Rosters... Read More>>

  37. ☆ The View from Galt Station

  38. TrainWeb.US/galt-stn - The View from Galt Station Canadian Pacific Railway Diesel Locomotive Roster... Read More>>

  39. ☆☆☆ Helm-Is-Cool

  40. TrainWeb.US/helm-is-cool - Helm-Is-Cool I started this site to show off my leasing company locomotives, which I have a good number of. I even have some that aren't developed as of yet, but that will be solved one of these days :)... Read More>>

  41. ☆ Hocking Valley Scenic Railway

  42. TrainWeb.US/hvsry - Hocking Valley Scenic Railway Photos Of The Hocking Valley Scenic Railway Equipment Register... Read More>>

  43. ☆ UnOfficial INCO Ltd Railway Information Site

  44. TrainWeb.US/incorail - UnOfficial INCO Ltd Railway Information Site Roster photos, locomotive roster pages, area and system map, and area frequencies for INCO Ltd. Railway, a mining railroad located in Ontario, Canada... Read More>>

  45. ★ Diesel Locomotive Rosters

  46. - Diesel Locomotive Rosters This is a list of various diesel rosters compiled on the Diesel Modeler's Mailing List. I began some of these lists myself; lists begun by others are so identified... Read More>>

  47. ★ Kentucky, Virginia, & Ohio

  48. - Kentucky, Virginia, & Ohio Moving freight the way it should be moved. The Kentucky, Virginia, & Ohio (KV&O) is a freelance class 2 model railroad. The layout is set in the coal fields of Eastern Kentucky in the late 1970s and early 1980s... Read More>>

  49. ☆ Alan's Locollection

  50. TrainWeb.US/locollection - Alan's Locollection Railfan photos by Alan Schenkel including an illustrated New York and Atlantic railroad roster, Metro North FL9/FL10 Operational Status, Conrail's WAPO 10, the Poughkeepsie Local, and illustrated Wisconsin & Southern Railroad Roster... Read More>>

  51. ★★★ The Unofficial MARC Railfan & Modeler Site

  52. - The Unofficial MARC Railfan & Modeler Site This site is intended to provide railfan information about the Penn, Camden, and Brunswick lines, as well as pictures of equipment and sites. The Maryland Rail Commuter system, part of... Read More>>

  53. ★ McCloud Rails

  54. - McCloud Rails This website seeks to document the life and times of the rail lines owned and operated by three principle companies in the life of McCloud, the McCloud River Lumber Company, the McCloud River Railroad Company, and the McCloud Railway Company... Read More>>

  55. ★★★ MickFix Rail

  56. - MickFix Rail A tremendous number of photographs of train sightings in Australia including photos of many locomotives from 2006 to present... Read More>>

  57. ☆ New Jersey Rails

  58. TrainWeb.US/njr - New Jersey Rails The idea for this site got its start in 1995 as a site that brought together all of the New Jersey Railroad pages on the internet. In 1997 I added more features to the site. In 1998 I created the Private Road Name Modelers SIG homepage. New projects in 1998 took me away from updating this site, but in 1999 I download the iCab internet browser which, follows HTML strictly and gives a report if a site is not up to code. I revamped this web site so that it would follow HTML formats... Read More>>

  59. ☆ The North Shore Collection

  60. TrainWeb.US/northshore - The North Shore Collection The North Shore Line is a nickname for the Chicago, North Shore, and Milwaukee railroad. This was an interurban that operated between Chicago and Milwaukee, and through all of the towns in between along the North Shore. An interurban was a railroad that operated... Read More>>

  61. ☆ North West Rail Pics

  62. TrainWeb.US/nwrp - North West Rail Pics A collection of freight car images from western North America including Alaska Railroad, BNSF, Columbia & Cowlitz, UP, BC Rail, CN, CSX, Washington Central, Blue... Read More>>

  63. ★ Diesel Powered Railroad Tugboats of the East Coast

  64. - Diesel Powered Railroad Tugboats of the East Coast A synopsis of all the railroad owned tugboats in the East... Read More>>

  65. ☆☆☆ Oaks Model Railroad Club 1994-2002

  66. TrainWeb.US/oaksmodelrr - Oaks Model Railroad Club 1994-2002 Extensive photo gallery and movie archive of Amtrak, CSX, Norfolk Southern and other railroad locomotives and equipment plus model railroad layout, links and library... Read More>>

  67. ☆ OCtrainguy's Railroad Photography

  68. TrainWeb.US/octrainguy - OCtrainguy's Railroad Photography Photographs of locomotives and trains in New Jersey and Pennsylvania including Acela and other Amtrak trains, CSX, Norfolk Southern, Conrail Shared Assets, and New Jersey Transit... Read More>>

  69. ★★★ B&O RR Photo Tours

  70. - B&O RR Photo Tours Virtual tours of the Baltimore and Ohio (now CSX) railroad. Over 2000 Photos, Over 15 Years, B&O Old Main Line Tour, The OML is the route of the first commercial railroad in the United States as it pushed west from Baltimore, MD to the Ohio River. It was constructed largely by hand between 1828 and 1835, and amazingly, continues in active railroading use even now. Voted top B&O history web site... Read More>>

  71. ☆ O.N.-Rail(fan)

  72. TrainWeb.US/onrailfan - O.N.-Rail(fan) This site features Ontario National as well as Canadian railways in general. Hundreds of photos are posted of locomotives, freight cars, MOW equipment and even VIA Rail trains and stations... Read More>>

  73. ★★★★★ On-Track-On-Line

  74. - On-Track-On-Line Extensive Amtrak Railfan information and photos including an extensive Amtrak Photo Roster, Amtrak Travel Tips, Auto Train Tips, Amtrak Radio Frequencies, Photo Gallery, Trip Reports, Urban Transit, Forums, Chat and more... Read More>>

  75. ☆ Philadelphia Bethlehem and New England

  76. TrainWeb.US/pbne - Philadelphia Bethlehem and New England Dedicated to the memory of Bethlehem Steel's in-plant Railroad. This site is by Phil Baggley who models the PBNE in HO (1:87) scale. The material on this site is from my own collection but I owe an enormous debt to... Read More>>

  77. ☆☆☆ Port of Tillamook Bay Railfan's Guide

  78. TrainWeb.US/potb - Port of Tillamook Bay Railfan's Guide The complete guide to Oregon's most unique shortline railroad, featuring rosters, photos, and an all-new comprehensive trackside guide... Read More>>

  79. ☆☆☆ Photos by John Kuehl (Assembled by Dan Ainsworth)

  80. TrainWeb.US/railnewspb - Photos by John Kuehl. Website assembled by Dan Ainsworth. John is an 'old hand' at the game. Many of his photos were in various publications over the years and were scanned by others for this website. All photos known to be by him are included... Read More>>

  81. ★ Class III Shortlines

  82. - Class III Shortlines Welcome to CLASS III Shortlines, a locomotive roster and photo site for the shortlines in the western half of Canada and US. Select a state or province to see which rosters are available... Read More>>

  83. ★ Railroad Snowfighting Equipment

  84. - Railroad Snowfighting Equipment Information and rosters on all the railroad machines that help fight the snow... Read More>>

  85. ★ Family Lines GP16 Roster

  86. - Family Lines GP16 Roster. Seaboard Coast Line Railroad (SCL) GP16 Roster Photos. Extensive Roster including Photos, Rebuilt Summary, Builders Plate, Renumbering, Paint Information, Frames Checked, Dispositions, Former Number, Rebuilt Date... Read More>>

  87. ☆☆☆ Screaming Eagles

  88. TrainWeb.US/screamingeagle - Screaming Eagles. Missouri Pacific Railway. A huge collection of photos of Steam Engines, Switchers & Slugs, 1940's Streamlines, 1940's-1970's EMD Power, 1980's Post Merger Power, Rolling Stock, plus much much more... Read More>>

  89. ★ Semo Rails

  90. - Semo Rails. Hot spots, operations, tips, and more for railfanning within Missouri. Photos, multimedia, news, railfan locations, rosters, steam, signals and more... Read More>>

  91. ☆ Ohio & Indiana Railroad

  92. TrainWeb.US/southpenn - Ohio & Indiana Railroad. The Mid-West's Own. Ohio & Indiana Railroad Company (OHIR) is a 700-mile regional freight railroad, hauling some 190,000 carloads of freight annually. The railroad serves four states and carries traffic between... Read More>>

  93. ★ Tim's Canadian MSTS Locomotives List

  94. - Tim's Canadian MSTS Locomotives List Includes photos of steam, BC Rail, Canadian National, Canadian Pacific, VIA Rail Canada, O.N. Rail, Special, Electric, MSTS Links, CN Blackfoot Sub, Northwest Line and more... Read More>>

  95. ★ Central California Traction

  96. - Central California Traction This is an Unofficial Site and is not in any way officially related to the CCT. Incorporated on August 7, 1905, the Central California Traction Company was originally conceived as a second streetcar line for... Read More>>

  97. ☆ Trains Are Better

  98. TrainWeb.US/trainsarebetter - Trains Are Better Better than what? I don't know. They're just better. We all have things we really really like, and I like model railroad equipment. The biggest disappointment I've ever encountered in the hobby was not finding my favourite diesel locomotives painted in CN or CP Rail... Read More>>

  99. ☆☆☆ Contemporary TranzRail Photography

  100. TrainWeb.US/tranzrail - Contemporary TranzRail Photography A very extensive collection of photographs of New Zealand locomotives sorted by class including EF, DX, DFT, DC, DBR, DH, DSG/DSJ, DSC, DSA, TR, EM/ET, ADL/ADC, and Preservation/Heritage... Read More>>

  101. ☆☆☆ Roster of Ultradomes

  102. TrainWeb.US/ultradomes/roster.html - Roster of Ultradomes The Ultradome Experience: The complete resource for rosters and information regarding the luxury domes and commuter cars of Colorado Railcar... Read More>>

  103. ☆☆☆ Utah Rails

  104. TrainWeb.US/utahrails - Utah Rails History & photos of the railroads that have run or still run in Utah. Content is heavy on the side of the Rio Grande. Most photos are from Roper Yard east to the Colorado state line. Includes caboose photos, modeling, road trips & more... Read More>>

  105. ☆☆☆ Web Lurker's DOME.main

  106. TrainWeb.US/web_lurker - Web Lurker's DOME.main Dan Ainsworth brings you the largest collection of photographs and roster information related to domecars (dome railroad passenger cars) to be found anywhere: over 2,000 photos with all 237 domecars identified... Read More>>

  107. ☆☆☆ Rob Jacox's Western Rails

  108. TrainWeb.US/westernrails - Rob Jacox's Western Rails This is a fantastic website of photos and descriptions of hundreds of western railroads locomotives especially the shortlines of Oregon, Washington, California and British Columbia as well as others... Read More>>

  109. ☆☆☆ Wisconsin Railfan Photo & Info

  110. TrainWeb.US/wisrail - Wisconsin Railfan Photo & Info Hundreds of photos of locomotives including Algoma Central, Amtrak, ATSF, BN, CN, CNW, CP, CR, CSX, DMIR, EMD, GBW, GT, SOO, SP, UP, and WC... Read More>>

  111. ★★★ Western New York Railway Historical Society

  112. - Western New York Railway Historical Society, Inc. was founded to ensure that what remains of our Railway Heritage is preserved for present and future generations. Our primary goal was achieved in... Read More>>

  113. ★★★ Mike's Western Pacific Railroad Information Site

  114. - Mike's Western Pacific Railroad Information Site A source for Western Pacific Railroad information or a path to other sites that contain Western Pacific Railroad information. This site is... Read More>>

  115. ☆☆☆ Wisconsin & Southern Railroad Fan Site

  116. TrainWeb.US/wsor - Wisconsin & Southern Railroad Fan Site Photos, Roster, Map and Links related to the Wisconsin & Southern Railroad. Photos include WSOR Es & F, Special Duty, General Purpose, Yard Switchers, Run Through/Lease Power, Rolling Stock, Structures, Vehicles and Model Railroading... Read More>>

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