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That Start With The Letter "O"
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- ★ = Active website noted for volume & quality of information & photos.
- ☆ = Inactive website noted for archival information & photos.
- ☡ = Functioning website but exhibiting some technical problems.
- Δ = New website under construction. Might be empty of content.
- ☓ = Account, website & files to be deleted.
- Ω = Account, website & files have been deleted.
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- ☆☆☆ Oaks Model Railroad Club 1994-2002
- ★ Orange County Module Railroaders Inc.
- ☆ OCtrainguy's Railroad Photography
- ☆ A RailWay In Northern Utah
- ☆ Ohio Valley Railroad Historical Foundation Inc
- ☆ Ohio Valley Freemo
TrainWeb.US/ohiovalleyfreemo - Ohio Valley Freemo
Ohio Valley Free-mo is an HO scale model railroad group that was established in October of 2003 by people with an interest in the Free-mo method of module building and operations. The group is small with members in areas of southwestern Ohio and northern Kentucky...
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- ★ Oklahoma Free-mo
 | - Title
Free-mo continues to grow in the Southern Plains, including here in Oklahoma. New modules are under construction, and group members have been participating in recent joint setups with groups in Texas and Kansas. We are looking forward to setting up with large multi-group...
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- ★★★ B&O RR Photo Tours
 | - B&O RR Photo Tours
Virtual tours of the Baltimore and Ohio (now CSX) railroad. Over 2000 Photos, Over 15 Years, B&O Old Main Line Tour, The OML is the route of the first commercial railroad in the United States as it pushed west from Baltimore, MD to the Ohio River. It was constructed largely by hand between 1828 and 1835, and amazingly, continues in active railroading use even now. Voted top B&O history web site...
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- ★★★ Old Time Trains
 | - Old Time Trains
Canadian Railway History and Stories - Preserving Our Railway Heritage. The road to knowledge begins with the turn of the page. Formed in May 1967 by R.L.Kennedy as successor to RAILFANS UNLIMITED. At this time a new direction was taken, whereas previously steam excursions were the main activity (along with a small newsletter covering C.P.R. Toronto motive power), interest now turned to preservation...
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- ☆ Steam Trains in Paraguay
TrainWeb.US/olgiati-in-paraguay - Steam Train in Paraguay
You will find here some pictures of what may be the last days of steam in Paraguay. Some were taken in the year 2000 and 2001, when the trains were still running out of the San Francisco Central Station in Asunción. The engines pictured were all wood fired; some of them were...
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- ☆ Omaha Railway & Chicago NorthWestern
- ★★★★★ On-Track-On-Line
 | - On-Track-On-Line
Extensive Amtrak Railfan information and photos including an extensive Amtrak Photo Roster, Amtrak Travel Tips, Auto Train Tips, Amtrak Radio Frequencies, Photo Gallery, Trip Reports, Urban Transit, Forums, Chat and more...
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- ☆ O.N.-Rail(fan)
- ☆ ONR MP14
- ☆ Railways of Ontario
TrainWeb.US/ontariorailways - Railways of Ontario
A detailed history of railways constructed within the Province of Ontario, Canada. Sections include Canadian National, Canadian Pacific, American Railway Lines, and Other Railway Lines, plus Internet Railway Connections, and Published Ontario Railway Resources...
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- ☆ Railway Stations of Ontario
- ★ Oregon Short Line Railroad Assoc
- ★ Spokane, Portland & Seattle - The Oregon Trunk
- ★ Orlando N-trak Club
- ☆ Phil's O Scale Page
TrainWeb.US/oscalemodels - Phil's O Scale Page
Way back in 1996 just for kicks I went to train show. I bought one piece of Lionel O Gauge rolling stock and the bug bit bad. At first I just wanted postwar Lionel but by then MTH was coming out with O Scale sized equipment and great O Scale locomotives...
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- ★ O Scale Outdoors
- ☆ Remote Control Model Railroading
- ★★★ Outside The Rails
- ★ Ottawa Valley Live Steamers
 | - Ottawa Valley Live Steamers
and Model Engineers. Founded in 1978, interests include building and operating large scale outdoor model locomotives, traction engines, hot air engines, steam boats, stationary engines, clocks, workshop equipment and other related topics. New members are welcome...
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- ☆ RailLink Photo Archives
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