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TrainWeb Hosted Websites Featuring
the Burlington Northern Santa Fe
(BNSF) Railroad
Sorted by URL and not by title.
- ★ = Active website noted for volume & quality of information & photos.
- ☆ = Inactive website noted for archival information & photos.
- ☡ = Functioning website but exhibiting some technical problems.
- Δ = New website under construction. Might be empty of content.
- ☓ = Account, website & files to be deleted.
- Ω = Account, website & files have been deleted.
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- ☆☆☆ Railroad Photography by Jim Springer
TrainWeb.US/amrailphotos/BNSF-gallery.html - Railroad Photography by Jim Springer
Extensive photo galleries of Amtrak, BNSF, CN, CP, Chicago Shortlines, Conrail, CSX, Illinois Central, NS, Regionals, Shortlines, SP, UP, Wisconsin Central and Steam...
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- ☆☆☆ Railroad Crossings by Brett Wirick - BNSF Section
TrainWeb.US/brettrw - Railroad Crossings by Brett Wirick
has been developed to help the railfan enjoy the western railroading scene. To make this easier, pages are developed following the host railroads own breakdown of its track, IE by subdivision. This segmenting applies mainly to the UP and BNSF, the dominate railroads in the west. In all cases, pictures and information are disseminated following a geographical format. This should help you to locate and duplicate what you find here on-line during your next trip...
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- Cajon Pass Group Homepage
- Geert's Cajon Pass Site
- ★★★ Colorado Railroads
- ★ High Desert Rails
- ☆ Jacob's Train Pics
- ★ Kern Junction Railroad Photo Gallery
- King Rails
- ★ Lone Wolf and Santa Fe Railroad
- ☆ Portraits of North American Railroads
- ☆ Railfaning St. Louis
- ☆ LCSO's RailPics
- ☆ SoCalRail
TrainWeb.US/socalrail - SoCalRail.
This website is a place to show off your Railroad pictures taken in the Southern California area. Photos of BNSF, Santa Fe and Union Pacific locomotives and freight trains in Southern California...
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- ☡ Squeakys
 | - Squeakys.
A little about yours truly, I am a railfan for all types of rail equipment especially Steam trains. I like playing Microsoft Train Simulator, running my N scale Trains with DENTRAK at train shows, and letting the camera fly on my spare time. I thought of creating this website for...
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- ☆☆☆ Utah Rails
TrainWeb.US/utahrails - Utah Rails
History & photos of the railroads that have run or still run in Utah. Content is heavy on the side of the Rio Grande. Most photos are from Roper Yard east to the Colorado state line. Includes caboose photos, modeling, road trips & more...
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- ☆☆☆ Wisconsin Railfan Photo & Info
TrainWeb.US/wisrail - Wisconsin Railfan Photo & Info
Hundreds of photos of locomotives including Algoma Central, Amtrak, ATSF, BN, CN, CNW, CP, CR, CSX, DMIR, EMD, GBW, GT, SOO, SP, UP, and WC...
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