Amtrak San Diegans
Concept 2000
Custom Class Cars
Photographs and descriptions of the
Amtrak San Diegans Concept 2000 Custom Class Cars.
As of this writing on Saturday, December 13, 1997, there is only
one Concept 2000 Car in service on the Amtrak San Diegans. My understanding
is that the goal is to replace all of the Custom Class cars with the
Concept 2000 Cars. This car is number 44839 and it is in the following
- Locomotive
- 44839 Amfleet Coach "Custom Class" Concept 2000 Car
- 43004 Horizon Cafe Car - "City of Solana Beach" - Food Service Car
- 54503 Horizon Coach
- 54067 Horizon Coach
- 9632- Metroliner Coach Cab Control Car
From the TrainWeb office at the Fullerton Santa Fe Depot, I have seen
this consist at the station many times. It is presently in use on
the following Amtrak San Diegans: Southbound: 570, 580, (590 on weekends),
Northbound: 577, 587. The actual daily route of this train that I have
observed over the last several days is as follows: (1) Leave Los Angeles
as Train #570 at 7:20am and arrive in San Diego at 10:05am. (2) Leave
San Diego as Train #577 at 10:25am and arrive in Los Angeles at 1:15pm,
(3) Leave Los Angeles as Train #580 at 4:15pm (Train #590 at 4:05pm on
weekends) and arrive in San Diego at 6:45pm (6:55pm on weekends),
(4) Leave San Diego as Train #587 at 7:45pm and arrive in Los Angeles
at 10:30pm. The consist then sits in Los Angeles overnight to start the
cycle all over again in the morning as Train #570.
The Concept 2000 Car is a remodeled Amfleet I Car. I think it is a vast
improvement over the regular Amfleet I Cars. The interior is all new.
The color scheme is in grey, blue and purple, somewhat similar to
the Superliner II color scheme. My first impression of the interior of
the car was that it was identical to the old Amfleet I except for the
colors. However, I soon found the differences were very significant.
The only trains that I don't enjoy riding are those with Amfleet I or
Horizon passenger cars. The major reason for that is because the view
from those trains is really bad. There are two major reasons for the
bad view: (1) most of the cars of that type that I have been on have
dirty or heavily scratched plastic windows, and (2) the seats are so
low relative to the windows that you feel like you are looking out an
airplane window! When I lean back my chair, all I can see is the tops
of houses and trees! Both of these problems have been eliminated on
the Concept 2000 Car, even though this car is just a remodeled
Amfleet I. Problem 1 has been fixed by replacing the windows with a
type of plastic that does not scratch as easy and the windows are clean,
so far. I'm not exactly sure how they fixed problem 2. All I can guess
is that the seat is higher off the floor and the seats are thick.
When sitting upright, my eye level is just above the centerline of the
window. When I lean back, I can still see horizontally out the window
and do not have to look up. The windows are the same size on both the
Concept 2000 and in the old design of the Amfleet I cars. Thus, I can
only conclude that they did something to raise the height at which you
are sitting.
Although the decor is similar to the Metroliner Club Cars used on the
Northeast Corridor (NEC), these are not quite up to that level of
luxury. The Metroliner Club Cars have pairs of seats on one side of the
aisle and single seats on the other. These Concept 2000 cars have pairs
of seats on both sides of the aisle. The Club Cars have drink holders
and trays that fold open into larger trays. These do not. However, like
the Club Cars, these Concept 2000 cars do have grounded electric outlets
at EVERY seat in the car!
The distance between seats in the Concept 2000 Custom Class car is
greater than in the regular Amfleet I Coach Car, but about the same
as that in the Amfleet I Custom Class Car. The fold down trays in
the backs of the seats are about the same size, but they are newer
and thus seem more solid.
The phone, toilet, and refreshment areas in the Concept 2000 Car
appear to be identical to those in the Amfleet I Custom Class Car,
but with a new clean color scheme. There are also electronic message
signs at each end of the car. At the moment, they just seem to be
indicating that there are exits at each end of the car and a toilet
at one end. I imagine they can be programed to tell what the next
station is.
Overall, the interior does look more modern and brighter than the
old decor of the Amfleet I cars. The center strip of lighting and
speakers above the center of the aisle looks sleek and modern.
My bottom line conclusion is that the most significant difference
between the Concept 2000 Custom Class Car and the old Amfleet I
Custom Class Car is that you can easily see out the window and you
feel you are in a car with a more modern interior.
Let me put in a little bit of a travelogue in here. I came down on
#568 this morning because I had incorrectly guessed that was the
leg that the Concept 2000 Car used to get down to San Diego from
Los Angeles. That was the only leg of the journey of this trainset
that I was unsure of since I don't arrive early enough into my
office at the Fullerton Santa Fe Depot to see which morning train
uses this consist. It turned out that it comes down on the next
train, Train #570.
I had gone down to San Diego to ride the new trolly line to Mission
San Diego. The round trip took less time than I had expected. When
I got back to the San Diego Amtrak station, I saw the trainset in
the station with the Concept 2000 Custom Class car. Although my
reservation was for the next train, I boarded this one so that I
good examine the car and get some photographs. The Conductor said
that Custom Class wasn't fully booked, so he allowed me to use my
ticket even though it was for Custom Class on the next train.
Between the locomotive and the Concept 2000 Custom Class Car was
a private car with a dome.
I was listening to my railroad scanner and heard that the engine
had quit just as we were a few minutes before San Clemente. The
crew decided to let the train coast as far as it could, hoping to
make the San Clemente platform. I never gave much thought about
how far a train can glide without power, but we went for a LONG
way very quietly without power! The train stopped just short of
the San Clemente platform.
There was quite a bit of confusion as people were wondering if they
should get off and take taxis. After about an hour, they figured
out how to get the engine up and running again and we headed on
again about an hour behind schedule.
Refreshment Area
Electric Outlet
Seatback Tray
Overhead Electronic Signs
Service Cart
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