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TrainWeb Hosted Websites Featuring
Amtrak Travel Tips
Sorted by URL and not by title.
- ★ = Active website noted for volume & quality of information & photos.
- ☆ = Inactive website noted for archival information & photos.
- ☡ = Functioning website but exhibiting some technical problems.
- Δ = New website under construction. Might be empty of content.
- ☓ = Account, website & files to be deleted.
- Ω = Account, website & files have been deleted.
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- ★★★ Amtrak Photo Archive by Geno Dailey
Geno Dailey's Amtrak Photo Archive. A collection of Amtrak photos and travelogues from beautiful Upstate New York and Across America.
- ☆☆☆ Andy's Journeys Through America's Backyard
- American Train Station Directory
Information about some American train stations and routes (Info might not be up to date).
- ★★★ Ben "Dutch" Myers Amtrak Travelogues
- ★★★ Over 100 Rail Travelogues by Carl Morrison
- ★★★ Ride The Rails With Chris Guenzler!
 | - Ride The Rails With Chris Guenzler
Chris has ridden over 1,439,000.0 miles - that is equal to over 59.96 times around the world! He has ridden trains in all 50 states and has traveled on every Amtrak route at least twice, plus all the trains of Canada's Via Rail as well as every intercity route in Canada. In Mexico he has done Copper Canyon many times plus some other special places...
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- ☆☆☆ Friends Of Amtrak
- ★★★ Rail Travel Trip Reports & Photos by Fred Dunn
- ☆ Surfliner Photos
- ★★★ Rail Travel Reports & Photos by Jack M. Turner
- ☆ Rail Travel Trip Reports by Jim Nowell
- ★★★★★ On-Track-On-Line
 | - On-Track-On-Line
Extensive Amtrak Railfan information and photos including an extensive Amtrak Photo Roster, Amtrak Travel Tips, Auto Train Tips, Amtrak Radio Frequencies, Photo Gallery, Trip Reports, Urban Transit, Forums, Chat and more...
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- ★★★ Outside The Rails
- ☆☆☆ Steven Reynolds
TrainWeb.US/reynolds - Steven Reynolds.
Amtrak Travel, Photo Gallery, Railfan Photos including extensive Amtrak travelogues with photos from 1996 through 2001 especially in California with a few cross-country Amtrak trips. Also numerous railfanning photos and scanner recordings...
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- ★★★ Exploring Adventures and Travel by Robin Bowers
- ☆☆☆ Rich Kimmel's Amtrak Travelogues
- ★ Sunset Friends
 | - Sunset Friends.
Amtrak's Sunset Limited (Amtrak Trains 1 and 2) is one of America's oldest passenger train routes. Originally developed by the Southern Pacific Railroad in the 19th Centrury, the Sunset has spanned the Sun Belt since before that name became popular, connecting...
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- ★★★ Ron Goodenow's Attic
 | - Ron Goodenow's Attic
The Attic is a personal museum, drawing on the stash of items I've collected -- and am still collecting -- in my railway and other travels. I'm including visits to museums and shortlines, profiles of American and foreign carriers, timetables...
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- ★ Tim Helmuth's Trip Reports and Travelogues
- ☆ Todd's Amtrak Travel
TrainWeb.US/toddsamtrakphotos - Todd's Amtrak Travel
A compilation of various Amtrak photographs. I have logged more than 20,000 miles on Amtrak over 16 years. Featured are a travelogue of an Amtrak Empire Builder trip in June 2002, photos from an Amtrak California Zephyr trip in June 2003, and more...
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- ★ Tom's Rail Travels
- ★ Tony's Amtrak Travels
 | - Tony's Amtrak Travels
Photos and trip reports of my many adventures riding the rails across America including Amtrak Lake Shore Limited, Amtrak Southwest Chief, Amtrak Sunset Limited, Amtrak California Zephyr, Amtrak Texas Eagle, Amtrak Coast Starlight, and more...
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- ★ USA by Rail
 | - USA by Rail
The USA by Rail guide book, fully updated in this latest Eighth edition, reveals in entertaining fashion the unique pleasures of North American train travel with Amtrak and VIA Rail. John Pitt has travelled more than 75,000 miles by train in the USA and Canada and his book, published by Bradt Travel Guides, features comprehensive route guides as well as all the practical information you need to make reservations, buy tickets and find your way around strange train stations. There are maps to accompany each route guide, making it easy to plan your itinerary and get the most from an Amtrak or VIA Rail pass. Details of Amtrak...
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- ★ USA Rail Guide - Amtrak Stations Database
 | - USA Rail Guide
Passenger Railroad Guide - An Amtrak Stations Database that includes extensive photos and information of almost all of the Amtrak Stations plus some VIA Rail Canada Stations. A Japanese Version is also provided...
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- ☆ 7300 Mile Amtrak Trip With Photos
TrainWeb.US/xcrr5375 - 7300 Mile Amtrak Trip With Photos
Two Coasts, 7300+ Miles, 9 Days, Cross Country Amtrak rail travelogue with photos. Though this Amtrak rail travelogue with photos is from over 20 years ago, the Amtrak routes and train equipment as of 2025 are still the same as when this travel report was posted. The sights you will...
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