Alameda Corridor Wig-Wag photos posted at Sam's Steel Rails West.
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These photographs were provided courtesy of Sam Pottinger's Steel Rails West. Click here to vist that website now.
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December 98-
I've received several E-mails concerning the Alameda Corridor. Here's the Latest:
2 Bridges are in place over the LA River at Redondo Jct.(see our LA guide for directions in finding these and other locations mentioned here). Some trackwork has been completed along Alameda St. south of the 405 freeway. Ground braking has began in Compton south of Compton Blvd. Their's also a Wig-Wag at the Compton Blvd. Crossing and a Burger King on the Corner to watch the Action.
The Wig-Wags are going to go and soon so if you want to get your photos do it soon. Going south from Washington Blvd. there's Wig-Wags at 55th st. at a industrial crossing across Alameda, at Randolph st. and also at Compton Blvd. This last one will probably go first, since construction is under way just south of this location. 2 Types of Wig-Wags exist, the overhead type that was used on a lot of the Red car and industrial lines, and the swinging type that was used on a lot of the Heavy lines. Once the project really gets started all of these antiques will be gone forever, only remembered in history.
Sam, P.S. Please put you Tel. # on your E-mails since a lot have been returned undeliverable.