Year One: --------- $500 Annual Web Fee (Prepay 10 months @ $50 per month, get 2 months free) +$100 Set-up Fee (includes simple web page with one graphic) ----- $600 Total First Year Fee -$100 => Finder's Fee (Salesperson's Commission) ----- $500 -$100 => Web Design Fee (One-time for simple web page with one graphic) ----- $400 -$100 => Annual Support Fee (Web Designer) ----- $300 -$120 => Amtrak (prepay for link for 12 months @ $10 per month) ----- $180 -$ 60 => R ----- $120 -$ 60 => S ----- $ 60 => Cover Liberty Costs / Profit Year Two and Beyond: -------------------- $500 Annual Web Fee (Prepay 10 months @ $50 per month, get 2 months free) -$100 => Annual Support Fee (Web Designer) ----- $400 -$120 => Amtrak (prepay for link for 12 months @ $10 per month) ----- $280 -$100 => R ----- $180 -$100 => S ----- $ 80 => Cover Liberty Costs / Profit