Year One: --------- $500 Annual Web Fee (Prepay 10 months @ $50 per month, get 2 months free) +$100 Set-up Fee (includes simple web page with one graphic) ----- $600 Total First Year Fee -$100 => Finder's Fee (Salesperson's Commission) ----- $500 -$100 => Web Design Fee (One-time for simple web page with one graphic) ----- $400 -$100 => Annual Support Fee (Web Designer) ----- $300 -$100 => R ----- $180 -$100 => S ----- $100 => Cover TrainWeb Costs Year Two and Beyond: -------------------- $500 Annual Web Fee (Prepay 10 months @ $50 per month, get 2 months free) -$100 => Annual Support Fee (Web Designer) ----- $400 -$100 => R ----- $300 -$100 => S ----- $200 => Cover TrainWeb Costs When Ray, Lou or Steve bring an account to TrainWeb themselves, the $100 Finder's Fee goes to that person since that person was the salesperson for that account. If the free simple web page is selected from a template and/or prepared by Steve, then the $100 Web Design Fee normally given to a Web Designer will be retained by TrainWeb. The annual support fee will also be retained by TrainWeb. These retained fees are needed to help fund our in-house support staff that will be needed in lieu of these activities that are normally contracted out. If the free simple web page is selected from a template and/or prepared by an in-house staff person (including Lou), then the in-house staff person will be paid a bonus of $25 for the web page. The remainder of the web page preperation fee and the annual support fee will be retained by TrainWeb. These retained fees are needed to help fund our in-house support staff that will be needed in lieu of these activities that are normally contracted out. For the accounts that are brought to TrainWeb by Salespeople that are working through Lou, Lou will get a $25 override on the first year and $10 on subsequent years.